I Thanked Her (Klance, Shallura)

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Based on a post by Klanced on Tumblr
Allura shifted from one leg to the other, wondering if she should go through with her plan. She realized her feelings for a year or so, and she was sure she felt something for him for a lot longer. Takashi Shirogane was the man of her dreams, and she knew that there would never be a right moment to tell him. So, after their most recent battle, she decided it was the right time to tell him. She went over a hundred different scripts in her head and before she could decide on one, Shiro walked through the door.

He smiled at her and she could almost melt under him. He was always there for others, no matter what he felt inside. She staioiyed up with him during his nightmares, talked to him until the sun rose on some night. She loved him, and it was time to tell him.

He picked up on her nervousness and he drew his eyebrows together in confusion, “Princess? Is everything alright?” He walked up to her, gently putting a hand on her shoulder, concern in his voice.

She nodded, biting her lip, “Shiro..” She hesitated, he didn’t pry. “I have something to tell you.”

He dropped his hand from her shoulder, “What is it Allura?”

He rarely used her name, she blushed slightly, “Well… There is no reason to beat around the bush here.. Shiro, I’m in love with you, and I have been for a long time. I do not expect you to share my feelings, however I felt that you needed to know.

Shiro just stared at her in shock, a thousand thoughts running through his head. Shiro lost control of his facial expressions, Allura had to look away.

“U-um.. Thank you.” Shiro’s shock moved to himself as he started to panic and mentally cuss himself out.

Before either of them could speak, the castle’s alarms went off and the two of them went off to battle.

Lance and Keith were paired together for a festival fighting tournament that a recently saved planet was holding for them. The duo had climbed through the ranks and made it to the finals. They split up, fighting the duo they were against like they lived for it. Occasionally Keith and Lance would switch partners, and on lookers said that they two looked like they were in a practiced dance, trusting each other wholeheartedly.

Keith knocked his opponent out of the ring with the but of his sword, smiling like a mad man, covered in sweat. He looked at Lace, proud of his crush.

Lance delivered the final blow to his opponent, spinning to look at Keith with a wide grin. The croud went wild at their win. Lance ran to his teammate, “Keith! Oh my stars we won! We did it!”

Keith chuckled at Lance’s intense excitement, “You’re damn right we did.”

“Oh Keith, i’m so happy I could kiss you right now!”

Keith’s face matched his jacket, he chuckled in embarrassment  “Oh, neat.” He internally groaned, instantly wanting to put his head on a spike. Lance either didn’t notice what Keith said, or simply didn’t care.


Shiro sat in his room, reading a magazine, it had been a little over a month after Allura’s confession. He still couldn’t believe his own reaction, and neither of them had a chance to talk about it. Keith walked in and layed on the bed face down. He screamed into the pillow, and Shiro just turned the page. Keith lifted himself up on his forearms, “I can’t believe I said ‘neat’ Shiro. Nobody says neat anymore! But I said it because i’m a loser that doesn’t know how to deal with his own feelings.” Keith faceplanted back into the pillows.

Shiro sighed, not looking up from his magazine. Keith rolled over on his back, “Don’t beat yourself up Keith. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what happened when Allura told me?”

Keith looked at him, “Didn’t you thank her?”

Shiro closed the magazine, sighing to himself, “I thanked her.”

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