Walk It Off (Shieth)

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Keith gasped as the pain blossomed from his chest, out through the rest of his body. He groaned as he tried to get his lion back up after a nasty blow, but he knew he wasn't going to last much longer in the fight. The impact knocked him into his arm rest hard. Keith was pretty sure he heard something crack, but he ignored it for now in favor of forming Voltron and getting through the fight.

The team disbanded after the battle, all but Keith talking about how cool it was. Keith just chuckled, masking the searing pain in his ribs, he definitely broke something. He tried not to move too much, and since crossing his arms was agony, he opted for putting his hands in his pockets. He realized his team was under too much stress as it was, and that he probably shouldn't give them more to worry about.

Keith excused himself from the group, saying he was tired. They all understood and he walked off without much objection. Keith could swear Shiro was going to say something, but he didn't so Keith didn't press the issue.

Keith made his way to the infirmary and started setting up a healing pod on his own. He took off his armor, a string of cusses coming out as he did so. He tried to take his suit off, before stopping and almost crying from pain. How had he finished the fight? How had he made it down here? He definitely had multiple broken ribs, probably even more damage that he just couldn't identify. He kicked off his shoes, taking out his Bayard, he stepped into the pod and tossed his weapon so it hit the button and started the process. Keith closed his eyes and let the pain be washed away by the technology. He faintly wondered what Shiro wanted to say before sleep finally took him.

When Keith opened his eyes again, the pod door opened and he stepped out, blinking rapidly. He heard someone sigh and suddenly he was being hugged, "Uuuh" he noticed cold metal on his exposed skin, and slowly hugged back upon recognizing Shiro.

"Keith, you ever hide your pain like that again, and I'm making you run 100 laps." Shiro pulled back, relief on his face outweighing anything in his words.

Keith was throughly confused, "Shiro, I'm okay, and we got through the mission-"

"You had 2 broken ribs Keith! That's not something you walk off and get into a healing pod alone for!"

Keith flinched at the yelling, "Shiro i-"

"No, what if something had happened? What if the power went out and no one knew you were down here? What if your rib punctured your lung and you suffocated in your lion? There's a thousand different ways you could have died and none of us would have know." Shiro was slightly shaking, but he kept his leader persona up well, not showing fear in his face or voice.

Keith rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm sorry.. I didn't want to worry you.. and I know how to set up one of these pods.."

Shiro pinched the bridge of his nose just above his scar, "Is this the first time you've done this?"

Keith didn't want to answer.


Keith shook his head and Shiro sighed, "At least you're okay.. please just.. next time tell someone.. if not me then pidge or hunk of even Lance.. we're a team.. you know?" Shiro's hand had dropped from his nose and he was staring at Keith pleadingly.

Keith nodded, "Okay.. I won't do this again, I promise." He gave a half smile and hugged Shiro, who instantly hugged back.

Keith wanted to stay wrapped up in his arms forever, a safe place where nothing bad could happen and nothing could hurt him. But he knew there was a socially acceptable amount of time to hug someone, and he was probably hitting that limit very soon. He pulled back from the hug and gave Shiro a soft smile, who returned it.

"You missed lunch, let's get some."

Keith tilted his head to the side slightly, "haven't you eaten tho?"

Shiro looked away, "I came looking for you when Hunk said it was ready. I didn't find you anywhere, and when I finally found you down here I didn't leave.. had no idea when you'd wake up."

Keith swore he saw a small blush dust Shiro's face, "Oh, you didn't have to do that but.. thanks for staying with me."

Shiro nodded, "Let's go."

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