A hammock for two (ErrorMare) 🍓🌝

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This is one of my more fannon stories:)
•vomiting, head aches
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<Author's POV>

Error was calmly sitting in his hammock and reading a book he stole. He purposefully hanged the hammock up higher than needed, just to make sure no one would find him. It was still a little difficult for him to read, considering that he learned how to only 3 months ago, so it was understandable why the book was a kid's book.

Glitchy swung side to side, squinting his eyes, trying to read some of the words he didn't know. Finally, he got the word down, and smiled, proud of himself. This would've continued for as long as Error needed it to be, or at least until he got bored, but the calm silence of the Anti-void was rudely interrupted by a voice too familiar to ignore.

Nightmare - Oh gliiittchhhyyyyy~ - Error groaned in frustration.

Error - W-What do you want??!! - Nightmare laughed at him

Nightmare - Awh~ can't an old pal have some fun time with his best little Glitchy~ - he said stretching is words out teasingly

Error - No f-fuck off and let m-me read!! - Screamed Error roughly and angrily going back to his reading. He didn't notice how Nightmare went up to him using his tentacles, what he did notice is the big lump of goop that fell on him and his book. - AA-A-A!! NIGHTMARE G-GET THE FUCK OFF MY HAMMOCK!!!! IT'S FOR ONE P-PERSON ONLY YOU DUMB GOOPY FUCK!!

Nightmare only laughed teasingly in return, getting more comfortable on top of Error, he retracted his tentacles and waited for Error to stop screaming. When the glitch finally calmed down, Nightmare spoke.

Nightmare - So~ now that you are done- - Nightmare was rudely interrupted by Error

Error - I am NOT done and I STILL want you to get off!! - he yelled, crossing his arms and looking in a different direction from Nightmare.

Nightmare - Awh~ hate me that much~ - he teased

Error - YES!! I ALSO DON'T  WANT THE HAMMOCK TO FALL!!! - he turned his head towards Nightmare again, holding onto the hammock, The night huffed.

Nightmare - Well it seems to hold us just fine now, you're just a paranoiac - Error was about to blow up in a fit of rage, but Night just smiled - Why don't you read me that book out loud?

Error - what??? - he looked at the book and then back at Nightmare suspiciously

Nightmare - Yeah, you get to practice reading and I don't get to be bored anymore. Isn't that fair? - Error was about to say a sort of comeback, but Nightmare interrupts him - Plus, I can help you if you don't know a word, because unlike some-body~ I know how to read~

Error puffed his cheeks grumbling something about Nightmare being a "tar-leaked fucker" and turned away from his ones more to think, it'll help not to look at Nightmare's annoying grinning face. Nightmare's smile got wider as he watched all of that unravel before him. He enjoyed every bit of teasing his little Glitchy.
Finally, Error came to the conclusion of letting Nightmare stay.

Error - FINE! Whatever, just don't fuck around! I need to keep this hammock up.. - he grumbled getting more comfortable, Nightmare flipped over and laid on top of Error on his back having his head on Error's chest. The glitch coughed at the feeling of a small monster falling on top of him, he grumbled and rose his hands putting the book on Nightmare's chest, and began reading one's again. - The fluffy bunny y- ya...

Nightmare - Yawned.

Error - I KNEW THAT!! Huff... And gave an l-l-liiiittlleeee s-

Nightmare - Stretch.

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