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'Um I think we might be going out for drinks tonight.'


Holtz was standing at Bailey's organised desk, a neat change from Kevin's usual chaos and the blonde hovered in front of the receptionist, feeling her nerves bubbling. Bailey was typing at her laptop and she paused to look up at the engineer.

'Yeah, we kinda just head down to a bar, just a local one. It's just local. We drink a couple drinks. Would you like to join us tonight?' Holtzmann shook her head at herself and scrunched her mouth a little looking away, her nerves now at boiling point.

'Oh, yeah, um Erin mentioned it,' Bailey replied, not reacting to the woman's obvious nerves because she was feeling them too, 'but I actually have a dance rehearsal tonight, well this evening. Later. So, um. Maybe after? If you're going to be there still, if you're all there still I mean.'

Holtzmann nodded, trying to hide the disappointment on her face, and she forced a smile.
'Oh you dance?'

'Yeah,' Bailey replied as she shuffled some papers in her hands and put them down in front of her. 'Just this troupe thing, cabaret-type thing. Sorta.'

'Oh wow,' Holtzmann said, suddenly feeling relaxed and she sat on the side of the desk.
'That's awesome.'

'Yeah,' Bailey said, rolling her chair closer to the desk and leaning onto her elbows.
'It's a lot of fun, I love it.'

'You've been doing it for a while then.'

'Dance, yeah, since I was little. Now I just do it for the exercise plus it keeps me busy.'

Holtzmann nodded.
'Where's your class tonight?'

'It's a dress rehearsal tonight, it's at the The Lowe, you know it?'

Holztmann nodded, 'I do actually, I've been a couple times. The little dinner tables and the stage, it's a sweet little place.'

Bailey nodded, 'Yeah, so' and she lingered her eyes on the blonde's blue one's, 'if I finish up early I' you.'

Holtzmann stood up nodding, turning back as she started to walk away.
'Arlos, it's the name of the bar.'

Bailey nodded, 'I know it. Maybe see you later.'

Holtz nodded with a smile as she walked back up the stairs.

A few hours later Bailey headed upstairs where the other women were in the lab and said goodbye.

'Might see you later though?'
Bailey said to them, but she looked at Holtzmann directly.

The blonde nodded, 'Have fun.'

Bailey smiled as she turned on her heel, waving to them as she did and she returned back down the stairs.

'You guys still keen for a drink?' Patty asked as she stood up from sitting at Holtzmann's desk, the blonde was sitting cross-legged on top shuffling through papers.

'Mmm yeah,' the blonde replied, 'Bailey might join us later. She'll only be at The Lowe, so not far.'

Erin nodded, looking to meet Holtzmann's eyes, 'Well maybe we can go have a sneak peek?'

Abby nodded, 'I'm definitely keen for a drink, and hopefully Bailey can join us.'

They all finished up their work and cleaned up for the day before jumping into the Ecto to drive the couple of blocks to the bar. Usually they would walk but it had started to look stormy outside and the evening was already feeling cool, and there were a few patches of rain.

As they walked into the establishment it was already busy and their usual booth was taken so they settled for a small table, Patty walking to the bar to buy the first round.

'So what do you think?' Abby said to no one in particular.

'Bailey?' Erin replied.


'She's good,' Erin replied, 'she's quick and diligent and pretty smart.'

'She fits in well with you,' Abby said, turning to Holtzmann as Patty returned to the table with a tray of drinks.

Holtzmann let out a bellow in response.

"You seem to fit in well with her too," Erin said coyly and Holtzmann shook her head at her.

'Yeah aren't you guys neighbours?' Patty said overhearing the conversation as she handed out drinks.

'Yeah, would you believe it.'

Abby chuckled.

They chatted for about an hour and Holtzmann seemed to be antsy, playing with the label on her drink and looking at her watch.

'What's up Holtz?' Erin asked softly, turning to her.

'Want to come to The Lowe with me?'

'And why would that be?' Erin replied with a half laughing grin.

'Oh, you said you wanted to go see Bailey rehearse.'

Erin snorted, lowering her voice even though Abby and Patty were chatting loudly next to them.

'I only said that for your benefit.'

'For mine?'



The physicist chuckled, 'C'mon Holtz, let's all go.'

Erin tapped her hands on the table, towards the others,  'Time to go ladies.'

Abby looked over at Erin, Patty doing the same.
'I haven't even finished my second drink,' Patty said creasing her brow.

'Well make it quick,' Erin said, looking to Holtzmann, the woman trying to hide the fact she was drinking her beer a little too fast.

Abby looked at Holtzmann, 'Mmm I see.'

'See what?' Holtzmann responded, finishing her her drink, and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

Patty chuckled, 'We going to see that little bobbin dance hey?'

Holtzmann blushed, looking away.

'Going to support her,' Holtzmann mumbled, not being able to look at any of her friends.

'Wait,' said Abby suddenly, 'what kind...of dance...'

Holtzmann snorted, 'It's cabaret stuff Abby.'

Abby nodded, 'Oh, oh of course.'

They all stood up, the blonde being the first one out the door and she trotted in place.
Erin laughed at her, reaching out to link her arm in hers. The rain was only light and the four women walked back in the direction of the firehouse, leaving the Ecto parked at the bar. They turned at the next block, Holtzmann squeezing Erin's arm with a smile, and Erin shook her head.

'Eager are we?'

Holtzmann nodded, 'Maybe.'

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