Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in through the blinded window. I looked over at Daryl’s bed. He was still sleeping. Probably sleeping off all the wine he’d drunk. I dressed and brushed my hair, and tied the locket around my neck, hiding the locket under my top and only showing the chain. I tiptoed to the door and opened it quietly as not to wake him up. I looked back at him. He looked so peaceful, so happy. I knew that I would never let anything happen to him and he would never let anything happen to me.

I smiled to myself and slipped out the door, closing it behind me. I headed down to the cafeteria where everyone was up and having breakfast. Rick, Shane, T-Dog and Glenn looked a little worse for wear. I sank down into the seat next to Andrea and smiled at her. She smiled back, but it wasn’t the same like she had smiled before Amy had gone. I looked at Glenn. He looked awful and he said it. “I m never ever drinking AGAIN!” he groaned. I snorted. “Good luck with that.” I joked. He stuck his tongue out at me and said, “Shut up, Dixon.” I laughed gleefully.

 Sophia and Carl seemed to have had a great night’s sleep and were busily talking to each other. They looked over at me and smiled, anticipating our game of Scrabble that we were going to play sometime today. I smiled back at them and whispered, “Prepare to loose, kids,” jokingly. Carl grinned, and shot me a funny look as if to say, Bring it on. Lori and Carol were talking to each other. Rick was smiling at Lori and Carl, probably glad that he’d been able to find a safe place for them. T-Dog, who it seemed was doing breakfast, came up to me. “Morning, Angel, or should that be Demon, considering your temper,” he taunted well-meaning. I smiled to myself. T-Dog was a nice guy, and that was hard to find even in these troubled times. I smiled at him. “Leave it out, T-Dog,” I laughed.

He grinned at me like Carl had. “I’m doin’ breakfast today since I’m kind of a professional, if I do say so myself. What can I get you? Full cooked breakfast to set you sober after your little not-so-secret glass of wine last night.”

Andrea and Rick looked at me amazed. “Angel, you’re only 17 years young, ya do know drinking underage is against the law, do you want me to charge you and we have to set up a makeshift courtroom in here so Andrea can defend you?” Rick teased but looked serious about it. Andrea smiled but returned to looking miserable.

“Yeah, whatever, Rick. I’m nearly 18, does it matter. And anyway, it was only a sip; I didn’t even finish the glass. I just did it to stop Daryl drinking and for him to get at least some sleep.” I retorted. I turned to T-Dog. “Thanks for the suggestion, T-Dog, but I don’t do grease very well, I’d love some scrambled eggs on toast though, please.” I told him.

He smiled. “Comin’ right up.” He said, and walked over to the stove, and started on my breakfast. Just then, Daryl stumbled into the room. “Finally, you’re up.” Rick said. He shrugged and headed to the coffee machine and poured himself a cup. He sat down in the seat next to me, and drank his coffee. I smiled at him. “Ya could have woken me up, ya know.” He said to me, not annoyed but maybe let-down. I bent my head and refilled my glass of juice. “I thought you’d want a lie-in, considering the night you had last night,” I apologized. He looked around to see if anyone was looking and smiled at me and ruffled my hair. “I’m not mad at ya; I just thought you’d want some company comin’ down.” I raised my head and smiled at him. “Thanks, Daryl.” I said. T-Dog came with my breakfast. “Thanks, T-Dog,” I smiled. He grinned. “No problem, can I get ya anything, Daryl?” he asked cautiously. I looked at Daryl anxiously, unsure how he would treat T-Dog. I knew Merle would be insulting him every chance he got, but Daryl? I knew he was different to Merle. He had more compassion, more kindness, more feeling. Daryl looked at me, then at T-Dog, but just shook his head and picked up a piece of toast from its rack. T-Dog got the message. “Ok,” he simply said and walked away. I looked at Daryl, shooting him an annoyed glance. “What?” he said. I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. “Nothing,” I murmmed. “No, tell me what ya thinkin’,” he demanded.

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