104. "there is beauty behind every tear you've cried"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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When you're stuck in a moment,

And your spark has been stolen


          THE MORNING OF THE FIRST of September had always been a dread to Lucia, but in the past, it was much more bearable. However, this day currently, all Lucia wanted to do was drown herself, for this meant that she would have to go back to school.

She wouldn't lie, she did go through all that effort of trying to convince Mrs. Weasley in letting her and Ginny go back to Hogwarts. But apart of her doing that was because if they didn't and attempt to go in hiding, the Ministry and Death Eaters would undoubtedly try and track them down. Worse, kill them.

Lucia really did not want them, especially when Ron could not be here for his family.

Waking up in the morning of the very day she had been dreading ever since the news of Snape's rise to headmaster status, Lucia took her time in making sure that all her things that were not "illegal" were stuffed into her trunk before she went to the mirror to check if she was dressed appropriately.

She faintly touches the surface of the mirror, eyes blank as she looked at herself.

Staring at her reflection made her think of other things, she admits. Each time she was to see herself, of course she didn't feel the need to rid herself of this world anymore, but she still felt as though she needed to set herself on fire sometimes just to get rid of the constant pain that would jab her chest so constantly. It made her suffer.

However, each time that were to happen, she merely retracted her mind from those intrusive thoughts.

"Stop, Melati," Lucia patted her cheeks, heaving a very strong sigh. "Smile for them. Don't make them worry for you,"

But what if I still want to cry? What if I want to sob my eyes out?

"Then don't," she told to her reflection firmly. She bit her lip. "You have no excuse to be sad,"

Are you sure about that?

Lucia clenched her fist.

"Forget about it and focus on others for once, except of think about yourself only,"

The feeling to shatter her reflection was evident within her, and it took every fiber in her body to not commit the act. Before she could do anything to the mirror, she staggered backwards, shaking her head.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now