pt 1:Bruno(clean)

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(Name)'s pov:

I'd heard about the family madrigal and it was really popular in out city, I had heard about everyone's powers; how There was a girl who could hear a pin drop and how this male went missing and got found by Mirabel
I loved the stories I just didn't know if it was true or not, I also didn't know any of their names (other than mirabel) and I really wanted to find out whether the legends of the madrigals were true or not
Dad! I'm going out to meet my friends!
I lied..
The reason was because if I wasn't with someone I wouldn't be allowed out... and I was not gonna take my older sister she was too busy talking to her girlfriend anyways she wouldn't even care about some stupid magic house myth like story
I ran downstairs and grabbed my purse and keys and then I put on my 2 rings on each hand then once again I said goodbye to my family, pulled the door and then slammed it excitedly and it made a loud bang!
Then I ran to the end of the road and started walking around the city, I didn't expect it to be this hard to find the place but I didn't give up even if it was.
After 3 and a half hours of searching I had reached this giant crowd which was full of people who were clapping and cheering, since I was wondering what was going on I pushed through the crowd and then I seen it... the family madrigals house... it looked amazing! Then suddenly mirabel came out and gave some of us cookies, my curios mind started to wonder: what would it be like to live in a magical house, so for some reason just before mirabel could shut the door I ran in
WOW! it was just like all of the myths and stories I had been told all these years but...
I loved it! Pretty flowers bloomed everywhere I looked and then this guy came to me...
Hey I'm Bruno!
Hi! Ohhhh are you the guy who lived in the house walls until being found by Mirabel?
Yeah... that's me
Oh my gosh his voice was so soft and his lovely eyes shon in the beaming sun he was... really cute and I couldn't deny it... I had butterflies!
Hey uhh... I can show you around if you like? There aren't many people who come walking in our house so you must be the curios type; which I like. Bruno said which was quite cute of him to say, it was almost like a flirt to me
oh uhh... yes okay!
Was this really happening? Wow!
Then... he held my hand and ran to the kitchen where mirabel and some other girl were making cookies
Hey I'm Delores and this is mirabel!
Hi... I'm in shock... this is all real! All of the stories! Wow! Do you all really have powers?
Pretty much yeah? Mirabel replied quietly and embarassed
I was just in shock... I couldn't get over the fact Bruno actually held my hand and it felt amazing and it was just such a good sensation...
And then all of the stories and how they were all real!
Oh yes I forgot to introduce myself!
I laughed awkwardly...
I'm (name)
Nice to meet u Delores said
Then I shook Bruno hand and we all shook each others hands
Then Dolores exclaimed: Hey (name) I think you should be going... before you get caught... then everyone will also want to come in and you know that can get quite... chaotic
Oh OK! I best be off then! Goodbye!

This sure was one of the best days of my life! I couldn't wait to share what had happened and how I had met some of the madrigal family and had a quick look at the house and how amazing and magical it truly was
Then I realised... I was meant to be with my friends... so I just had to keep it secret :( anyways ill never forget how Brunos hands felt and everything else that happened today because... it was an experience of my lifetime...

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