part 3: Isabela PRE WARNING:NOT CLEAN!

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Isabelas pov:
As per usual I woke up from my flower bed and did a big yawn I stretched and put on my slippers then I ran doen the swirly stairs dragging my had across the railing, I made a few dasies here and there
I noticed that there was this new girl who was sitting in the kitchen... I had no idea who she was and she was making these muffins
They smelt so good! I wanted to taste one so I asked her and she said yes right away! She exclaimed that she was actually really excited to see me as she had heard so much about me and the madrigals... then she asked... hey there... would you mind if you shown me around the house? From time to time I look and dream of living here or seeing all of you and seeing as though my mum...
Then she started crying
I felt so bad for her... I didn't know exactly what was going on but I still felt really bad for her
I asked her really politely
She said her mum had died and her dad had became mentally extremely unstable and had ended up in a mental ward and she had been living in a Foster care home ever since...
She remembered her mums stories about us and I thought it was a really sad story so straight after I told her my story... about how I used to be mean to my sister and how everyone can change eventually like I did and that if I can change mabye her dad can too!
She started smiling after that... I told her ... things can only get better!
Then I showed her my room and all the flowers in it and brunos adventurous room and everyone else's!
Then after a while she started crying again
I looked at her glistling eyes and the reflections were like little crystals

She had explained it had made her miss mum so much seeing as all of
This was exactly the same as her stories... she said that all of this meant everything and more... I fount that so sweet and I started to think to myself: I think I like her... she's really cute! It's just my family is quite homophobic so if I was to ever be with a girl I'd probably get persecuted by my own family, other than mirabel who is always so sweet and understanding to me
I felt like as she was crying she looked into my eyes... I think we are gonna have a moment... then I held her hand and said look everything you've been through... it seems horrendous and I hope... this will make you happier... I could tell she was already blushing as her cheeks were as red as roses! Which was so sweet
Then I said... please forget this... don't mention this to anyone... I dragged her into my room and well we had about a five minute smog lips to lips! She even got a hickey because i sucked her neck ... then she pushed me onto the bed and sat on top of my vagi*a and said oh I do love u
I knew she felt the same, then we grabbed each other and started rolling back and fourth on the bed
Wow that was the best ever feeling in the whole of my life and since we were both making loud banging noises Delores kind of knew what was going on... so I gave her one last kiss asked for her name
And she said hey my name is (name) and I lived that moment so much I wish it could last forever!
Me too... it felt so good I said back in a hurry hey erh (name) quick I'll create a vine u need to get out ASAP before my family finds out what's going on...
Then I spring a vine from my hands and she jumped out
Then Delores entered my room
Luckily I got wawah with it by saying I was adding fresh plants for decoration seeing as though some of my plants had died
Hopefully no-one will find out what happened...
Since that day she hasn't came back... I don't dare to go to her either....

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