part 4: Dolores (clean)

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(Name)'s pov
Me and my sister, we both got along really well! We do a lot together,
Here's one memory:
I was around 6 or 7 years old
I climbed into the shopping trolley and my sister Miya was like Hey sis let's play family! So we did I was the kid and she was the mum
She pushed me across the Isles acting like I was in a buggy/pushchair and I loved it! Then she picked me up and stumbled, then Miya said: sis I wanna be the baby now
So we swapped roles and I ran across the Isles with her in the shopping trolley! Then I got her a cookie from the bakery inside of the shop for her.
That was one fun day, it was the first day we actually got along, and aswell as that we played hide and seek and tag in all of the clothes shops that same day, it was so nice to have a loving sister finally.
This memory was years ago!

We hardly talked for the whole of this week and I've gotta be honest, I was kind of missing her!
So I ran to her room, then viciously knocked on her door,
And she didn't answer...
I barged into her room and what I saw was shocking...
I saw my sister... with a boy....
She said: Sis! It's really not what it looks like
And I obviously replied like this :🤥liarrr🙄
Then she told me I was right.. they were sneakily going out together
That was quite gross... but anyway...
Miya said: please... don't tell... please don't tell mum!
Then I replied: I won't... on one condition... you learn how to sing and we become a duo!
Miya replied: Fine... then she rolled her eyes

But... I knew that she was enjoying it, I was hearing her singing from my room and I'd heard her boyfriend "jack" had left because he got bored...
To be honest I don't think he should have done that... that's not really what a partner does... they are supportive no matter what right?

I heard a knock at the door
I ran down the stairs because I thought it was miya's boyfriend
But... it wasn't...
It was this pretty and really cute girl... her hair neatly tied up in a top head bun, nice and curly
With brown Hazel like eyes
And a beautiful orange and yellow dress!

Hey... she said
I'm Delores!
I replied: Hey? What are... what are you doing...
Than she answered: I'm here because I heard this beautiful voice from across the street! Anyway what's your name?
I'm (name) and I'm that girl you heard singing!
Delores said it was a nice voice and she'd like to come In

I let her In and lead her to my room and I sung for her
Her face looked confused... I think she knew it wasn't me but I didn't care
Then she came to me and asked: so why did you say it was you?
I replied: Well because... because I wanted to spend time with you and I really like it!
Delores replied: that's so sweet!
Then she hugged me and left the house

Gosh... it felt so good!
I wished it lasted forever... but she never came back... I guess... true love can be hard to find!

Hey there! I just want to say thank you for the few readers out there :) you are my first actual viewers on fanfiction books so thank you for being here :D

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