part 6: Pepa(clean)

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(Name)'s pov:
I was interested in the earth, id often find myself studying about it, it was very interesting, I enjoyed learning about the weather patterns and there were so many different new things to learn, like natural hazards, volcanoes, tornadoes, droughts, tropical rainstorms and all of that, One day, I wanted to be a weather reporter, I loved seeing everything being explained on the TV, it was amazing! I always wrote down weather changes and I explained how the day went in terms of the weather and what to possibly expect tommmorow looking at the news' satellite picturs to my family, and they always loved how enthusiastic I was about all of this stuff, and they were all so supportive of my dreams, they would always clap when I explained a new fact about the earth too

2 years after this interest started my parents kept on exchanging looks to eacheother and kept on saying shall we tell (name) and then my mum told me amazing news...
Y'know something.. there is this family... it's called the madrigals, there are many fascinating rumors spread about them... but the truth is... alot of them rumours are actually true!
Wait... the madrigals... are real? I asked...
My mum replied: Well your dad... he once visited the madrigals house to do some electrics, the house, don't mind me for forgetting the houses name, it's electrics had started to not be that good, which was really bad seeing as there are lots of people living in that big place so your dad went to fix them... He got greeted by the madrigals... Mirabel... she held all all the powers....
Anyways... there is this one female... her name is pepa... and she can controlled the weather!

Wait what... this goes against everything I have even been taught... this is crazy...
Wait... mum how do you know she can controlled the weather? I asked...
Well... your dad... he saw all of the madrigals powers... and pepa well she was excited and it became sunny!
Wow... I thought... it would be amazing to see all of these powers... especially yje controlling of the weather!

When I did the electrics well... they didn't pay but I asked pepa if you could meet her... and today's the day
then the door knocked...
I answered... it was pepa

I blacked out... she was too pretty... the next thing I knew I was in her arms being dragged to the sofa...
That felt... amazing... I loved it...
The she put a shady cloud over me for 10 minutes and she left... her cloud with her...

Wow... I liked pepa... I loved today... my heart burned when she left... although I could barely remember anything at all...

It was a good moment that I'll remember for ages!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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