105. "and what once was ours is no one's now"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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My room feels so small,

These walls are closing in and there's no door


          "I HAVE A SECRET THAT no one knows yet... do you want to know?"

"I dunno... this is the first time I meet you and I don't even know your name and you're already going to tell me a secret? Sounds a bit suspicious," Harry said as he stared at the ebony-haired girl that was standing across the bush he was hiding in.

Although expected a smack or a punch for his wittiness, he was instead greeted by a smile that felt so weird to see because it was directed at him. She shook her head.

"You're silly," she said as she brushed her fringers through her ponytail. Peculiarly, she was wearing a scarlet bow, kind of like snow white. She reminded him of snow white, only tanner and all and all, Asian. "Yea it's a secret and yeah, I barely know you, but that's what makes it better!"

Harry really did not understand her. "It... does...?"

"Yes!" she chirped. "Because no one would believe you even if you were to tell the world!"


But honestly, what did he expect?

Harry mustered an amuse smile. "I see where you're getting at. Okay then, go on, tell me your secret,"

"Well," she started, her night-like eyes glimmering as if there were stars present. She picked a peony flower from the bush, "My middle name is Peony, you know?"

"Really? That's the secret?" Harry said, not impressed.

"Well, no one knows about, so yes," she said. "By the way, boy in the bush, what's your name?"

Harry eyed her suspiciously. "Why do you want to know?"

"Because I'm interested to know?"

"Then wouldn't it be fair if I know yours too?"

"Depends," she shrugged her shoulders. "So?"

Although Harry was still not sure about her, he gave in. "My name's —"


"W-Wha — ?" Harry woke up from his slumber, eyes immediately greeting the unfamiliar surroundings of a bedroom he didn't think he had ever stayed in before, yet he felt... content?

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now