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'With Kevin gone I've really only come up with one candidate,' Patty said with a shake of her head as she addressed the others as they sat at their local bar.

Erin sipped on her wine, 'Only one?'

Patty nodded.

'Impressive though?'

Patty nodded again, taking a swig of her beer.

The bar was busy but not loud, it was a small establishment, its entrance almost hidden off a small laneway and the team loved spending time there, it was their go-to when they wanted to relax. The walls were exposed brick with a long bar down one side of the room, a small cluster of tables dotted part of the layout, along with a small dance floor, pool table and handful of booths. It was never packed and that's the way the women liked it, and they were sitting in their usual booth, sharing a bowl of fries between them.

'Mmhmm,' Patty continued, 'lots of IT experience, good with technology, great references. Sounds like she'll know exactly how to use a phone.'

Abby chuckled, and Holtzmann laughed into her glass.

'Oh Kev, Kev,' Holtzmann said, puffing her cheeks, 'I will miss that giant of a man.'

'Me tooooooo,' Erin murmured, sighing.

The others muffled their laughter and Erin scrunched up her face, 'I willlllll,' she moaned.

'Erin. Babe,' Holtzmann said laughing, 'You can do so much better than him.'

Erin sighed loudly, in defeat.

'So when can she start?' Abby asked, returning her focus to the potential employee.

'Pretty much now,' Patty replied, 'You wanna interview her this week?'

Abby shook her head, 'We've left it too late as it is, just get her in and we'll put her on a trial for a month.'

Patty nodded, 'I'll call her in the morning.'

Abby nodded, reaching for some more fries, the bowl nearing empty, Erin sliding out of her seat.
'I'll go get another bowl.'

Holtzmann looked around them, the bar was filling and the music had been turned up. She watched as Erin leaned over the bar, talking to Charlie, one of the bartender's they knew well. Erin turned back to the women, walking back over and sliding in to sit next to Holtz.

'Potentials?' Erin said in the blonde's direction, Holtzmann scrunched her nose a little, looking back to Erin, she shook her head.

'Nah, not tonight.'

Patty snorted, overhearing the conversation, 'Serious?'

'Yes Patty Cakes. You make it sound like I'm always on the prowl.'

'Holtz,' said Patty, grinning as she reached for Holtzmann's hands that were cupping her glass, 'you're always on the prowl.'

Holtz shook her head with a grin, looking down to her drink, 'I can't help it if the ladies like me. I'm LLCoolJ, like actually.'

'What?' Erin said with a laugh, 'LLCoolJ?'

'Yeah, Ladies Love Cool Jillian.'

They all burst out laughing, Patty roaring loudly and Holtzmann joined in, muffling her laughter into her glass.

They finished their drinks and all wandered back to the Firehouse, Holtzmann's arm linked with Patty's and they walked the two short blocks to the business, Holtzmann retreating to her lab. Abby and Patty called out goodbye and goodnight as Erin walked the staircase to the lab she shared with Holtzmann, both on the night shift, the blonde already tinkering at her desk.

'Do you ever take a break?'

Holtzmann didn't look up, shaking her head.

'Have you even slept at home the last month?'

Holtzmann looked over at Erin, the brunette was standing at her desk, opening her laptop, their eyes meeting and Holtzmann exhaled softly, her shoulders dropping.

'You ever get lonely Er?'

'Sometimes Holtz.'

'I feel lonely when I'm at home. Here I don't.'

'I get that,' Erin replied, a little shocked at her colleague's sudden softness and with no follow up punchline.

Holtzmann pursed her lips, as if in thought, then turned back to tinkering. Erin smiled softly at the woman, knowing how incredible she was and how much love she had to give, she just hadn't met the right person and she felt for the little blonde.

Holtzmann often flirted with Erin and as much as the physicist loved the attention and she did love Holtz it just wasn't in the way Holtzmann needed and sometimes it did make Erin feel guilty. The physicist cared deeply for her, always hoping the next date would be the One for her.

'You're my best friend Holtzmann.'
Erin's words made Holtz look back up at her, and she nodded.
'You'll find someone, I know it.'

'I hope so Erin.'

'Who knows, you might end up falling head over heels for this new receptionist.'

Holtzmann scoffed, 'Don't Er.'

Erin looked down to her laptop, licking her lips, wanting to say something comforting but she didn't know what so she just focused on her screen.

'You seeing anyone?' Holtzmann asked, her eyes gazing back over to her colleague.

Erin shook her head as she sat down at her desk.

'Holtz you know I would have told you if I was, and I mean I want to, but at the same time I don't.'

'How come?'

Holtzmann twirled a screwdriver in her fingers, watching the brunette intently.

'I don't know to be honest.' Erin shrugged, 'Just haven't met the right person.'

'I think you gotta actually go on dates to find the right person.'

Erin chuckled, 'True, true.'

Holtzmann looked back to the machine in front of her chewing her lip, 'Hey Erin.'

'Yeah Jill,' the woman replied quietly, her fingers tapping softly on her keyboard and she paused to look over at the blonde.

'I want someone to love.'

'Me too Holtz.'

'You're easy to love Er.'

'You too Jill. You'll find her. I know it.'

'Thanks Erin, you will too.'

Holtzmann looked back to her work and Erin lingered her eyes on her, wanting to take away some of the pain that she saw flash across the woman's face.

They both worked late into the night, Erin heading off to bed first, Holtzmann not even making it to her own and she slept at her desk, awaking early in the morning with a sore back and screwdriver imprint on her cheek.

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