106. "you can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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And I don't wanna live that way,

Reading into every word you say


          FLORIAN DIFIORE WAS SOMEONE WHO Lucia did not actually knew.

Yet, this was her dad she was talking about. How can a daughter not know her father well?

Because he never actually live long enough to tell you how he was, Lucia.

But why was that hard for her to accept?

It never really crossed her mind once of how much she had no idea how her father was like before she was born. She thought that the stories her mother told her would be enough, that the stories she gathered throughout the years from all those who knew him would be enough... She thought that everything was enough for her to learn about him...

Oh, how greatly wrong she was.

She didn't know anything about him. Not even an ounce.

Had he always been the Florian DiFIore that her mother knew? Had he always been someone with an unnecessary passion flowers and arts? Had he always been someone so accepting, or was he just like the person that killed him?

She stopped dead in her tracks.

That couldn't right, surely, he was not like him? Surely, Rodolphus Lestrange was actually a kind guy once and that was why her father had befriended him?

What was she talking about? Was she trying to make excuses for something she should not?

From walking, her pace began to speed as before she knew it, she began running through the corridors, not minding who she bumped into in the way.

"Why did I never thought about it... why did it never crossed my mind..." she whispered repeatedly under her breath, the gears in her head began moving in ways that was painful. She felt as if she was slowly going crazy.

Why did she ever bat an eye? Why did she just accepted everything that came out of people's mouth, without trying to even find the real truth?

Was it because she was content by the fact that her little-to-no memories of her father was filled with nothing but good things about him? Was it because she was content that it was never tarnished?

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now