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无数只黑蝴蝶从微灵的头上飞下来后,它们也持续发出碧蓝的微光,只是不一样的一点就是,它们每只蝴蝶都各有特色,施了不同的魔法,爸爸的幻影就活灵活现地展示在微灵面前,他向微灵微笑着,这次微灵抑制不住自己,哭了出来,她抱着爸爸的幻影,久久不肯放手。爸爸的幻影也摸了摸她的头,过了仅仅十秒, 爸爸的幻影就随着黑蝴蝶如烟消散了, 只是仅仅十秒, 那渐渐消失的拥抱是在永恒的短暂时光中最为珍贵的。

After a countless black butterflies flew down on Wei Ling's head, they also continued to emit a blue shimmer, but the difference was that each butterfly has its own characteristics and applied different magics, and the phantom of Dad came alive. He smiled at Wei Ling, this time Wei Ling couldn't restrain herself and started to cry. She hugged her father's phantom and refused to let go for a long time. Dad's phantom also touched her head. After only ten seconds, Dad's phantom dissipated with the black butterfly. It was only ten seconds, and the disappearing hug was the most precious in the short time of eternity......

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