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爸爸的幻影如同成群的黑蝴蝶消散后,留下了唯一一只的黑蝴蝶,它在用力发出微弱的光,微灵走到了家里的抽屉前,从里面拿出带有檀香味的蜡烛,她点上蜡烛后,对着黑蝴蝶说了一句 :"爸..... 新年快乐,谢谢您的陪伴。"

哥哥善灵弹奏着美妙的曲子 ,而黑蝴蝶飞到了哥哥善灵的房间外,微灵也尾随着蝴蝶的方向走去,它在空中飞舞着,这美丽的情景,唤起了小时候爸爸与年幼时的微灵一起跳舞,而哥哥则负责钢琴伴奏的美好时光,那一刻,微灵不再感到寂寞、孤独。这一次,她把黑蝴蝶的故事化成感动的字句写下,流芳百世。

Dad's phantom dissipated like a swarm of black butterflies, leaving behind the only black butterfly, which was emitting a faint light. Wei King walked to the drawer at home and took a sandalwood scented candle from it. After lighting the candle, she said to the black butterfly : "Dad... Happy New Year, thank you for your company..."

The black butterfly spread its wings and flew. In the other room, brother Shan King was playing a wonderful tune, and the black butterfly flew outside of brother Shan Ling's room. Wei Ling also followed the butterfly 's direction. It was flying in the air. This beautiful scene evoked when she was a child, her father dance with her, and her brother was in charge of the good times of piano accompaniment. At that moment, Wei Ling no longer felt alone and lonely. This time, she turned the story of Black Butterfly into touching words and wrote it down, which will last forever.

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