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  看着每个家家户户布满红彤彤的灯笼,充满生气且光彩的一年,一家即是多么团聚,如明亮的圆月,给世界带来一点温暖,为世界点缀了一点光芒 。眼前这一刹景是多么的美好,然而这对微灵来说就像是遥不可及的梦,心中只能是一丝寂寞,她坐在后院,而伴随着她的只是自己的影子,她有一个愿望,希望来世能变成一个影子,成为黑暗的归宿。
      “小微!过来吃团圆饭咯!” 微灵的妈妈呼唤了微灵的名字,她端着准备好的饭菜 ,台桌上布满美食佳肴,香气扑鼻。另一厢,美妙的琴声在空气中弥漫着,小小的音符精灵在耳朵旁歌唱,随着这香气扑鼻的美食,这些音符精灵奏然停止歌唱,寻声望去,原来微灵的哥哥善灵被妈妈煮好的美食给吸引了,他一溜烟地走到台桌旁,迫不及待地大块朵颐。而微灵也随着妈妈的呼唤从后院走了出来。
        她坐了下来与家人们共用团圆饭,望着那五颜六色的佳肴,新年的气氛,她所感受到的灰暗与这新年的气氛格格不入 ,仿佛她是不属于这世界的。妈妈留意到微灵神色不妥,心里大概略知一二。“ 小微啊,虽然新年不是那么团圆,爸爸也不想那么早离开这个世界,离开我们,他被上帝选中,化成了天使。” 微灵的妈妈说。“爸爸哪是被上帝选中,爸爸是因为车祸而去世的, 妈!你扯远到脱离现实啦!” 善灵打岔了母亲。“ 小善,别这样嘛,妹妹都伤心了,何必突然唤起不好的回忆呢?” 妈妈拍了拍善灵的肩膀说。
        “只是....... 想念爸爸... 了,如果他在的话,世界会不会就不一样了呢.....” 她突然开口说话,打破了之前的宁静。说完,她便端起饭碗,慢慢地吃,与爸爸的童年回忆时不时都在她脑海飘过,那些回不去的时光让她泛起了眼泪,但她却努力地抑制着。妈妈听着也没多说话,深怕戳破她眼角的海浪。

Looking at every household full of lanterns, the year full of vitality and brilliance, how reunited the family is, like a bright full moon, bringing a little warmth to the world and embellishing a little light for the world. What a beautiful scene in front of her, but this is like an unreachable dream to Wei Ling, and she can only feel a trace of loneliness in her heart. She is sitting in the backyard, and what accompanies her is only her own shadow. She wished to become a shadow afterlife and vanishes into the air.

     "Xiao Wei!  Come and have a reunion dinner!" Wei Ling's mother called out Wei Ling's name, she was carrying the prepared meal, and the table were filled with delicious food and the aroma was fragrant. In the other room, the wonderful sound of piano filled the air, and the little spirits of musical notes sang beside their ears, Along with this fragrant food, these spirits of musical notes stopped singing suddenly, looking for the sound, it turned out that Wei Ling's elder brother Shan Ling was attracted by the food cooked by his mother, he walked to the table in a hurry, and couldn't wait to eat a big piece. And Wei Ling walked out of the backyard with her mother's call.

     She sat down and shared a reunion dinner with her family, looking at the colorful delicacies, the atmosphere of the New Year, the gloom she felt was so out of place with the atmosphere of this New Year, as if she did not belong to this world. Mom noticed that Wei Ling's expression was inappropriate, and she probably knew a thing or two in her heart. " Xiao Wei, even though New Year's family reunion doesn't seem to be complete, but dad doesn't want to leave us that early, leaving us behind. He was chosen by God and turned into an angel." Wei Ling's mother said. "  Dad wasn't chosen by God. Dad died in a car accident, Mom! You are so far away from reality! " Shan Ling interrupted her mother. " Xiao Shan, don't be like this, your sister is sad, why do you suddenly bring up bad memories? " Mom patted  Shan Ling on the shoulder and said.

       " It's just.... I miss my dad.... If he was here, wouldn't the world be so different...." Wei Ling's suddenly spoked,breaking the previous silence. After she finished speaking, she took up her rice bowl and ate slowly. Childhood memories with her father floated in her mind from time to time. Those unreturnable times brought tears to her eyes, but she tried her best to restrain them. Mother didn't say much, for the fear that she might cry as the waves piercing through the corner of her eyes.

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