Chapter 18 - Hide and Seek Study

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Marinette's POV

It was a few days until the party in honour of...well me and I'm currently trying to finish off Damian's outfit along with Luka's and Kagami's, not to mention mine as well. I finished the other's but I got held back after the whole fiasco with Bob and XY. I honestly wanted to kill them but this wouldn't be a kids show if I did.. I finished Luka's, now onto the final level of Kagami's dress. A knock came at the door. It was Tim.

Tim: Hey cupcake. Watcha doin'?

Marinette: Trying to finish off everyone's outfit for the party on Saturday.

Tim: Oh ok, mind if I have a look?

Marinette: Yeah, Damian's is over there in black, and Luka's the blue one.

Tim: K.

He scanned the two outfits looking them up and down. Then another knock came at my door and this time it was Jay. "Hey pixie, have you seen Timmy?" I raised a brow, "He's actually..-" But when I turned around, he was gone and my window was left wide open. What the.. "That punk!" "What were you two doing?" I asked. He flopped down on my couch.

"We were playing hide and seek tag and so Tim tagged me and Dickeybird and demon spawn are really good at hiding so I couldn't find them." I see, that's what this was. So he used me and my room as an asylum. Idiot. "He was here but I guess he ran out through the window." And just like that he jumped out the window too. These guys are crazy...

I started dusting out and positioned the layer around the under-layer but just then, an arm wrapped around my waist. And as instinct, my hand swung back but another hand caught it. A pair of lips caught the skin of my neck and sucked the same spot where the hickey was. I mashed the person's foot and flipped him over my shoulder. Damian...

Marinette: You Son of a Dirty Magot!! I want it to fade away by the party but now it might never go away and I might have to resort to a high neck dress!

Damian: Aww, are you embarrassed darling?

Marinette: Shut up! Don't do that again.

Damian: No promises. *grins*

He walked away as he got up and looked over at his suit. I continued working on Kagami's dress and began stitching the layer on. "The craftsmanship is amazing. I commend you." he said. "Why thank you, sweetheart." I replied with pins in my mouth. He chuckled which made me roll my eyes. I then looked up to see Jay climbing back through my window.

Jason: Hey pixie, did Tim pass by again?

Marinette: Nope, but another bird found himself in here. If you want you may tag him.

I pointed over at Damian as he scrambled towards the door, Jay chasing after him. I chuckled and closed the door behind them, locking it along with the window. No more distractions.

I walked out of the booth and called Luka over. "How was the song we did yesterday?" I questioned. He smiled, "More than 5 billion views, Nettie." I grinned. I went back upstairs leaving the rest to both Kagami and Luka and finally got started on my outfit.

Damian's POV

Todd tagged me then ran away no thanks to Marinette after she sold me out. I was now searching the corridors when I saw a door partially opened and not too far down from where I was. I quietly walked up and peeked through the door to see...- HOLY SH*T!!!! I felt my body go numb and pale, all the blood rushing to my feet as I scurried away.

I got inside a random room and slouched down to the ground hugging my feet. What the Hell did I just witness!? Todd has a lot of explaining to do.

Dick: Aww man, someone found my hiding spot.

Damian: Grayson..what are you doing here?

Dick: I was hiding in here the entire time. Who's it?

Damian: ...I can tell you one thing... Todd is in big trouble when we find him.

Jason's POV

I caught up to demon spawn and tagged him and made a 180 turn, running away. I stopped as I thought I was far away enough and hid behind a corner. I jogged over to the opened door I found not too far away from me and decided to hide in there. I was about to close the door but I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around to see Marin.

Marin: What are you doing in my study?

Jason: ..Uhh.. Hiding..??

Marin: Well you can get lost. I'm busy.

Jason: With what?

Marin: If you must know... I'm signing off the deals with all the men who wanted to marry her.

Jason: Wait..- You're declining their requests for pixie?

Marin: She doesn't want to marry...and I also don't want to bother her with it. If I had told her about it, she would've set all the papers on fire and disposed of them.

Jason: You're right she would do that...

I leaned back against the wall with my arms folded. I didn't know he was the one incharge of doing those things. I thought his parents were as they were the ones setting her up and signing said papers. I exhaled heavily, "Does pixie-pop know you're doing this?" He got up from his seat and walked over to me. "What if she doesn't?"

Jason: I think you should tell her.

Marin: Why, it's not like it would make a difference.

Jason: Difference for what?

He stared at me while he pushed back his hair. He started stepping closer to me until he was now a few inches away. "Why are you so obsessed with me and your 'pixie-pop'? This doesn't even concern you nor your family. The youngest Wayne already has her wrapped around his fingers not to mention giving my Mari a hickey. What more do you Waynes want?"

I placed my hands in my pocket standing upright. "I don't know, money? Ask pixie." I sarcastically said. He rolled his eyes, asking again, "Then let me rephrase, Why is it that everytime I'm alone you always seem to be around every corner, showing up?" I raised a brow. I only came up to him when I saw pixie crying. I then saw him walking around sulking in the gardens out back.

"*shrugs* I don't know. Why don't you ask coincidence..-" "Oh, I think it's more than just coincidence.. More like... fate." He reached up and kissed me smack dab on my lips. WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON!?!?!?!!? And why does it seem like...I'm falling..?

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