Part 4-Accidents can be made

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All of us arrived at Hagrid's hut

Hagrid : that's it come on now, come closer. Less talk if you don't mind. I got a real trick for you today, and great lesson. Follow me

We followed Hagrid into the woods

Hagrid : great you lot, less chattering. Form a group over there and open your books page 49

Malfoy : exactly how we do that ?

Hagrid : just stroke the spine of course. Goodness me

All of the students start to stroke the book's spine. As for me, i already open the book when we're walking

We gather around with others

Hermione : i think they're funny

Michelle : who ?

Malfoy : owh yeah, terribly funny. Really witty. God, this place has gone to dogs. Wait until my father hear this and Dumbledore get this off teaching classes

Harry : (walk to Malfoy) shut up Malfoy

All Slytherin : (teasing) whoooooo

Michelle : (whisper) what happened ?

Hermione : (whisper) i don't know

Malfoy walk to Harry and pretend to be scared, saying that there was a Dementor but there is none. After that, Hagrid came with many dead animals on himself, one case, and a creature

Hagrid : (clear throat) tat tadadaaa

All of the students look at the creature in scared. But i'm not, since i already know the creature

Hagrid : isn't he beautiful. Say hello to Buckbeak

Ron : Hagrid, exactly what is that ?

Hagrid : that, Ron, was a Hypogriff. First thing you wanna know about Hypogriffs is that they are very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You don't want to insult a Hypogriffs. It may just be the last thing you ever do. Now, who like to come and say hello ?

All of them back down, except me and Harry

Hagrid : ah ! Lucas. How about you show the ways for Harry and the others ?

Lucas : umm, okay

I walk slowly to Buckbeak. Seems like he's already know my presence

Lucas : (bow) bowed down, i believe ?

Hagrid : correct

I bow to Buckbeak and i can feel the Hypogriff is staring at me. I still bow down until Buckbeak bowed back. Hagrid give Buckbeak the dead animal and then he lets me to get close to Buckbeak but gently. It was very close, me and Buckbeak. I raise my hand and pet the Hypogriff. I can hear many applause from behind me and Hagrid throw the dead animal to Buckbeak for reward

Hagrid : well done Lucas. Now, it's your turn Harry

Lucas : (walk to Harry) just stay calm

Book 3] Harry Potter x male OCWhere stories live. Discover now