Part 12-Cover Blown

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They Apparate to some park. They walk to some bridge and see an Ostrich running away

Lucas : the Ostrich is running away. That means...

And then they hear some loud rumble from a distance. Gellert tugs protective headgear and gave it to Damien

Gellert : put this on

Damien : wh-why would i have to wear something like this ?

Gellert : because your skull is susceptible to breakages under immense force

After that, they walk to the source of the rumble. Meanwhile, in Eucal residence, Michelle and Miranda leans out to their window

Michelle : i felt not good

Miranda : what happened ?

Michelle runs to the bedroom where the boys are meant to be asleep with Miranda following her. When they open the door, they see nothing except empty bed

Michelle : Lucas really got some problems for running away

She walk off to dress while Miranda just look at the room, upset

Miranda : but we made them coco...

Back to Lucas and his gang, they arrived to half-empty zoo. A large pile of rubble lies at the entrance. Gellert tug a vest from his coat again and try to put it on Damien

Gellert : okay, pop this on

Damien : okay

Gellert : it's okay, there's absolutely nothing to worry about

Damien : tell me, has anyone ever believed you when you told them not to worry ?

Gellert : yes. Ask Lucas

Lucas : exactly. It's okay. Besides, worrying means you suffer twice. Panicked make it thrice

Damien just stand there, didn't know what to do

Lucas : now, let's go

They followed Lucas into the zoo. It was half destroyed and then there's a big creature that doing something in the hippo enclosure, that's an Erumpent, try to mate with the hippo

Lucas : okay, who is it ?

Gellert : she's a Erumpent

Lucas : it's a she...she's in season, she needs to mate

Lucas took out a tiny vial of liquid. He pulls the stopper out and dabbing a spot of the liquid onto each wrist. Damien looks at him and smelled the liquid

Damien : what is that ?

Lucas : oh, i find this in the suitcase. Erumpent musk, she's mad for it

Lucas passes Jacob the open bottle and heads into the zoo. Lucas approach the Erumpent slowly and places his case on the ground and opens it. He begins to perform a "mating ritual", a series of grunts, wiggles, rolls and groans, to gain the Erumpent's attention. Finally, The Erumpent turns away from the Hippo and more interested in Lucas. They face each other, circle round, undulating weirdly. The Erumpent's demeanor is puppy-like, her horn glowing orange. Lucas rolls along the roof, The Erumpent copies Lucas, moving nearer and nearer to the open case

Book 3] Harry Potter x male OCWhere stories live. Discover now