Prologue (The Rainbow Kingdom)

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"Ummm True why are you carrying that," Zee pointed to the lightsaber esc sword hilt on Trues' hip "We're just going for a run?"
True shrugged her shoulders while placing a hand on the hilt "The king said I need to get used to running with a weapon if I am going to become a Rainbow Ranger." Zee just shook his head while thinking 'there was literally almost no chance that she wont get accepted when she turns 18'.
Bartelby jumped up from his pervious position (in between True and Zee) and climbed onto Trues' shoulders "Do you also need to get used to carrying a cat called Bartelby?"
"Is this your way of asking me to carry you Bee," True asked in a sarcastic tone while crossing her arms. Bee started to stutter but True patted his head "I'm kidding Bee, but I do need to build my strength up so you could say that."
The 16 year old Zee face palmed while groaning (thinking he's the only mature one at the time) but noticed the lack of a curtain princess "Hey, urr, where's Grizelda? I thought she was going to join us this time." True sighed as she shook her head. Ever since Zee had the idea of him, Bee, and Grizelda joining True on her runs she always said 'something' came up in the morning and evening. Bee decided to fill the silence that took over the fountain (even the water stopped splashing) "Well what are we waiting for, we have way more time than usual so why waste it moaning?"
Both Zee and True laughed but ended when True fully grabbed onto Bartleby "Yeah I guess you're right, but you better hold on, Bee, if you really want a True-back ride."


"How (GASP) are (GASP) you (GASP) still (GASP) going?" Zee lent forward and lent on his knees gasping for air while sweat dripped from his forehead as he tried to wipe it off. The three (technically two) had ran from the centre of Rainbow City to rear the top of a nearby mountain that True frequented for climbing and trail running; AND SHE WAS STILL GOING (like Zee just said)!
True shrugged her shoulders (that still had Bartleby on them) "I honestly have no idea," True turned around to face Zee and stopped walking "Maybe it's because I use theses trails so often I know were everything is. Hey Zee, there's a great picnic spot ahead wanna stop there?"
Once Zee regained his breath he nodded " Number 1: yes I would love that, number 2: you just proved you own point and number 3: You're still carrying Bartleby...HOW?" She just shrugged her shoulders again while turning around and continuing her way up with Zee shortly following. 


"Welcome to the what I call 'The Rainbows End' the best spot on this mountain apart from the summit," True probably would of extended her arms just to dramatize the reveal if she wasn't holding onto her sleeping best friend.
Zee could only respond with "Whoa," as he looked around the spot. It was mainly a cliff side that was half covered by a hang over but still had a natural sword like structure that pointed at an around 75 degree angle; most of the sword structure and overhang explained why True called it 'The Rainbows End'. It was covered in a gold (it was probably just the colour, but still it looked just like gold). After he regained his mind from the beautiful the spot, Zee shook his head and lent agent one of the rock walls under the overhang "This really is the best spot." (realisation hits) "OOOHHHHH now I realise why you called this 'The Rainbows End', it looks just like gold," (like I just said). True chuckled slightly as she tried to wake Bee, but soon realised a simple shack wont work. Now Zee was the one who was chuckling at Trues' ATTEMPTS to wake Bartleby. She tried running, jumping, yelling, you name as many non violent ways to wake someone up.
True groaned and sighed admitting defeat, before gaining a smirk and a plan. "I GUESS WE'LL HAVE TO EAT THESE FISHY-POOF CRACKERS OURSELVES ZEE!" That worked.
Bartleby jumped down from Trues' back and now looked as awake as True at 5 in the morning "No you wont have to!"
Now both True and Zee were chuckling but True stopped first and had an apologetic look on her face "Sorry Bee, there's no Fishy-Poof Crackers. It was the only way I could think to wake you up."
Bee just shrugged his shoulders "Understandable." This just made Zee full on laugh. Like a full on belly laugh that made him slip onto his but, still leaning against the rock wall. This act made True and Bartleby laugh not as hard but still, it was load laughter. True kept on laughing until she spotted an ledge that rapped around the side of 'The Rainbows End'. She'd spotted it before but never investigated it as she thought her skills weren't sharp enough. True slightly sighed at the thought of what could be behind that big hunk of rock, maybe an adventure just out of reach. (Little did she know it was) Bartleby and Zee almost instantly took notice of True stopping and looking defeated. "Bestie," Bartleby grabbed Trues' hand to get her attention "you okay?"
"What," once True regained her voice she responded "Ohhh yeah I'm fine."
Zee sat up and walked over placing a hand on her shoulder "Come on True you may be good at hiding your emotions, which I wish you didn't, but when you're in your safe space, like a mountain, you can't even hide where you're hosting my 16th birthday. Plush I could see it from over their," He pointed over to the spot he sat in "What's wrong True?" She sighed as she explained about the ledge, using her thumb to point to previously said ledge. Zees' jaw hit the floor at this explanation "You? Not be able to climb that?" Zee pointed towards the ledge "True, you're one of the best climbers in the whole of Rainbow Kingdom! Especially considering your age, you're literally 14 and your skills exceed mine plus Grizeldas'; heck probably even Bartlebys'.
Bee started nodding "This is true...True," he also covered his mouth to hide his giggling.
Zee thought for a second before continuing "Wait you have your gear right?" True turned her head in response but started mentally recounting the gear she had with her: Thermal vest, belt harness, everlasting rope, neck guards, elbow and knee guards, mountain boots, grip gloves, and (an empty due to Zee) water flask "Not all of it as I just bring it in case, but yeah."
"If we keep a hold of your rope will you do it," Zee asked like he was asking his parents if he can stay up late when he was 10. Bartleby started asking (more like begging) as well.
"Okay okay," True raised her hands in defence "I'll do it. But only if you hold the rope."


About 8 steps on the ledge, True was about to go onto the over side of the rock "Guys I'm still not fully convinced."
"You'll be fine True," Bartleby yelled just out of view "I know it."
"Don't worry," Zee also yelled just about in view "we're here in case anything happens."
True sighed as she continued choosing her steps with care "O-okay." True then disappeared from view. After a couple more steps, she could finally see what has bugged her for like 3 months. "A cave? That's what behind here?" True took a couple more steps before she was fully on the platform in front of the cave and just looked like she saw her presents on charismas eve. Yep, that happy. She almost instantly ran into the cave despite Zees' and Bartlebys' yelling. "Whoa! This place is awesome." She didn't realise at the time but the cave gradually turned up; she only noticed when scaling became the only option, "Okay, that's kind of wired right?" she asked to herself but also started to panic, If I am gonna try and scale this I'll need my rope but the guys have it. She shook her head back into gear and groaned "I guess I'll have to get used to climbing without it anyway." 


True hoisted herself onto the only platform she'd seen for like 15 minutes and just laid there trying to get some rest; She ended up climbing vertically for the past 7 minutes. I mean can you blame her? "Aright. There's only an area up ahead. After I investigate that, I'll head back." She sat up and sighed, was this worth the fantasizing for 3 months? She stood up ad dusted herself off ready to explore this boring space. (Oh how wrong she was). True cursed at the fact she didn't bring her head lamp with them as almost no light occupied the cave... almost. The only light came from a wall with...WAIT ARE THOSE SYMBOLS GLOWING?! They were, barely. True couldn't make many of them out as it was way to dark, only two were clear enough to see: a watch with a wired face and a cape with a star. For some wired unexplainable reason, True felt drawn to them (even the ones she couldn't see) and didn't even try to fight it. Before she could understand what was even happening, she already had her hand on the watch symbol. It was only a couple seconds before everything went dark.


True groaned as she opened her eyes, spotting a person beside her "where an I?"
The person answered in a very concerned tone "The woods outside of Burk, why?" (yes I stole the name)
True just looked like someone just said charismas was cancelled "I'm not in The Rainbow Kingdom anymore" 

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