Prologue (Abby Hatcher)

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She presumed the day would be normal but nope, not a single day in the life of Abby Hatcher the Fuzzly Catcher is normal.
Abby slid down the stair slide (seriously the hotels' stairs turn into slides...and by that I mean they flatten down) with nothing but joy, holding her running shoes by the laces swung over her shoulder. Teeny Terry spotted the purple haired girl, stopped talking to Otis and waved "Hey Abby! Morning run?"
Abby ran over and nodded "Yep sure am. What are you two doing?"
"Teeny Terry helping Otis with lift," Otis answered in his always enthusiastic tone "Lift need check up." Abby nodded while kneeling and placing her shoes down, understanding what that meant, basically just making sure the lift works before the day fully starts. Terry and Otis kept talking about lift mechanics as Abby tied her shoes and didn't understand a thing (she only know about fixing bikes, her gear and basic car stuff). Noticing Abby was just about to leave, Otis gave her a huge wave like he always dis "Otis wish you luck!"
"Thanks Otis but-," Abby wasn't able to finish as she slammed into the revolving door and started to slowly walk though "Thanks Otis, bye..." Abby smiled at Terry telling Otis o stop laughing feeling the urge to yell 'it's alright' over and over again. As Abby left the hotel, she pulled her headphones from her neck and on her head turning on Strong from Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief Musical. 


Luckily Abby had taken off her headphones to talk to someone who needed biking advice to hear that shrieking scream "What the-," a bike similar to her old one going by in a comedic fashion explained the shriek but not the word theft right from Abbys' mouth "Ah that explains it...WAIT WHAT?!" (insert The Fuzzly Catcher going off) "I KNOW WE HAVE TROUBLE" Abby switched from relaxed and calm mode to on edge and rescue mode. She instantly started dashing down the slanted road and trying to grab it from the back. Failed (due to letting go and falling on her face). Failed again (due to her laces getting stuck in the wheels). And guess what, failed again (due to...Ok if I explained it Abbys' embarrassment would become the new clean energy). Ok new strategy then, SIDE! Oh and brakes...that too. She grasped the basket on the back again and this time instead of running agent it, she ran with it. The only noise that occupied the road, besides occasional gasps, was Abby screaming "OH CRAB OH CRAB OH CRAB," before grabbing the side of the back basket, and then hanging on for dear life. Abby at this point didn't give a dam for her legs/feet and or shoes, giving dams are already hard enough but while running just throws 5 spanners into the mix, and tried to reach for the handle bar. You might think she failed again but nope, Abby actually grabbed it; and that was the problem she grabbed it. Abbys' first plan was to grab the centre of the handle bars and lightly squeeze the brakes to bring the bike to a slow stop, but she accidentally 'straight' up grabbed the brakes doing the exact opposite of the plan. The sudden stop sent Abby flying into a nearby bin.
"Oh my," An unfamiliar person came up to Abby and helped her up "Are you ok young lady? An scrapes?" After pulling her up, the person handed Abby her glasses.
After putting her glasses back on again, Abby took a quick look at her arms and saw a couple but just brushed them off and gave finger guns "No worries stuff like this happens all the time, I mean heck I wouldn't even be surprised if people take bets on how many cuts and bruises I'll have at the end of the week."  The person was about to respond but stopped making Abby place a hand on their shoulder "Really it's fine, hey by any chance do you know," She pointed to the now abandoned bike "Whose bike that is?" 
The person groaned, face palmed and laughed slightly "I actually got that bike for my daughter."
Abby smiled slightly "I'm sure they'll love it," she started to walk towards the bike "I'm just gonna make sure nothing's broken, that ok?" The person nodded as they also made their way over to the bike. 


By the time they got their mind around what just happened, Abby cursing brought their attention back "What is it?"
Abby sighed while adjusting her glasses "The brake's disconnected and the bolt that's meant to hold it in place is," she started doing a rum roll "Nowhere to be seen! I would try and fix it but I only have a half full bottle of water with me, and THAT wont do anything."
The person ,whose name is Raven, groaned as Abby started to pull something out of her pocket catching their attention "What are you doing?" Abby pulled out her wallet, took out a £10 note and started to hand it towards Raven "I STAND BY MY FORMER STATMENT!"
Abby chuckled "The average cost for a brake repair is £5 with labour costs and since it's my fault, I'm paying."
Raven couldn't say a thing as Abby handed them the note and jogged off without a thank you, but could say on thing "I thought she only had a water bottle."


Abby had been running for about 40 minutes (excluding the bike problem and before that) and was just about ready to head home; she sighed as she rubbed the sweat from her forehead "Oookay this was entertaining to say the very least," she took on last look at her environment before heading back into Burk (yes I stole the name) from the surrounding forests when she spotted a old cave "Oh right I forgot that thing was there." Abby stole a quick glance at her watch trying to way her options:
A= Go back home,
B= Investigate that random cave for no absolutely reason at all.
She groaned as her curiosity got the better of her and started walking towards the cave for no reason "I sure hope that luck Otis gave me finally kicks in."


The hallway that connected to the entrance of the cave had the same chance of having a smooth surface as catching a shinny Pokémon first try (Yep...if you don't get it I'm saying that it's super rare). Remember how many times Abby failed to catch the bike? That's the amount of times Abby almost lost her footing. "Okay I don't regret this but-," she got cut off by almost falling "but at the same time I do. AAGGHHH I just wish I had some form of light...OH IN THE NAME OF THE FUZZLYS." Abby face palmed as she realised what she should've done and raised her Fuzzly Catcher to use the light. She probably would've continued walking that way if she didn't hear crashing to her left "What was that," she fully turned "Oh just- WAIT WHAT!" She quickly ran over to the thing on the floor, and yep it was what she thought "A BLOODY BODY.. well it isn't bloody literally but- oh never mind." Abby quickly knelt down and tried for the second time that day to stay calm and think rationally. Ok what do I do, WHAT DO I DO?! OH RIGHT PULSE! Abby lightly grasped the persons' wrist and felt for it. "Ok a pulse. That's something." Abby had a sigh of relief now knowing she didn't just find a body. Abby quickly shined her light at the persons face as they started to stir "Wait a sec," she took a second glance "They have blue hair?" Abby kept shining the light until the person woke up "Where an I," reasonable response.
Abby responded almost instantly "The woods outside of Burk, why?" (yes I stole the name)
The person just looked like someone just said charismas was cancelled "I'm not in The Rainbow Kingdom anymore" 

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