Baby fever

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Taking out a deep and needed exhale, ryujin was throwing herself onto the soft mattress of her bed while watching her husband entering the bedroom right after her

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Taking out a deep and needed exhale, ryujin was throwing herself onto the soft mattress of her bed while watching her husband entering the bedroom right after her.

It was already 1 am and the two of them just returned back home from her sister's birthday party.

"I think I'm kinda tipsy.." she mumbled out while rubbing over her face and eyes, feeling so tired and exhausted.

Beomgyu was eyeing her, letting himself drop down on the edge of the bed to slip out of his shoes.

"I told you not to exaggerate by drinking so much alcohol", he gave her a brief response as she opened her eyes again, rolling herself closer to him and placing her head upon his lap.

"I thought I had a higher tolerance to deal with it" she pouted at him while reaching out for his face to grab it in the tiny hand of hers.

Beomgyu allowed her to do so but gave her a judgemental yet kind of amused glance.

"Well, if you had asked me I could have gave you a clear answer, your tolerance is lower than my grades in elementary school", he said as her brows crashed toghether, feeling clearly offended by the owner of his being given to her as she scoffed out and rolled away from him again.

"So rude", she snorted out briefly as Beomgyu was chuckling mischievously before he lifted himself off the bed to get rid of his uncomfortable clothes.

She watched him from the corner of her eyes, not being able to resist observing him.

"But hey.. your sister's son is fucking adorable, don't you think?" She raised  an eyebrow within hearing that kind of statement coming from her usual so cold and emotionless husband.

"Wait did you just say the word 'adorable'"? She snickered out as she sat upright and gave him a small smirk of hers in which Beomgyu rolled his eyes.

"Don't make it a big deal, that's annoying aside from that, that wasn't even topic of this conversation", he stated as she sighed out tilting her head.

"Sorry.. I'm just not used to you calling things cute but yeah I agree, he's such  a little and precious bean", Beomgyu bites his lips while giving her an intense gaze, making her frown.

"What?", she chuckled out, giving him a confused smile as he was shrugging and slipped out of his pants.

"Nothing.. by the way, are you still on birth control?", he suddenly threw that random question at her, making her feel even more perplexed and confused as to why he would suddenly ask her that.

"uh.. yeah? Okay baby what's going on with you.. are you okay?", Beomgyu sighed and walked over to the bed, letting himself fall down on the other side aside from her.

"Just curious and now sleep, your drunk ass should get some rest", he blurted out as she narrowed her eyes at him and gave him a light smack on the head.

"I'm not drunk! Just tipsy!!"


Standing behind the counter, ryujin just finished preparing and serving the breakfast for her and beomgyu, only waiting for her husband to come downstairs and join her with eating it.

"BEARGYU! BREAKFAST IS READY!" She yelled on top of her lungs, attempting to make him wake up and obey her request.

Yet her attempt was in vain because beomgyu wasn't responding to her yells and neither came downstairs at all.

Groaning out, ryujin decided to walk the stairs up to the bedroom of hers and beomgyu's, only to spot an empty bed.

Though she soon heard the sounds of the shower, making her assume that he was probably taking one to freshen up.

"Beomgyu! when are you finishing showering?" She once again raised her voice, sitting down on her bed while waiting for him to give her a reply.

"Gimme 5 minutes!" He shouted back at her as she sighed, her eyes scanning over her surroundings, suddenly spotting her husband's unlocked phone all spread over the mattress.

She bit her lips, hesitantly reaching out for it to check what kind of side was opened on it.

But as she did so, her heart was suddenly warming up, thinking it was one of the most cutest and most wholesome things ever.

There was an Instagram page opened with a bunch of cute baby photos, causing her to pout on the sight of it.

And now she finally realised what was up with his sudden and weird behaviour from yesterday and also as to why he asked her about still being on birth control.

"my baby had a baby fever.." she mumbled to herself , still pouting as the thought of it was making her so soft.

Beomgyu has never been the type of person who was rushing or even desiring to become a father quickly.. but now that she managed to connect the dots, everything made sense.

Spending time with her little nephew was most likely triggering the sudden urge to get a little baby for himself.

And just she was so immersed in making up her mind, creating these many adorable and cute theories, the restroom's door was suddenly swinging open, revealing her husband.

He only had a towel wrapped around his waist while rubbing another one through his wet hair.

He instantly noticed the weird and wide smile she was flashing him with, creating a frown upon his forehead.

"What..? Why are you giving me that smile??" He dared to ask her as she smiled even wider, lifting his phone up to show it to him, causing his eyes to widen.

"Shit uh, lemme explain-" he was about to flush out but she interjected his speech by grabbing his hand and pulling him over to her, causing him to be all hovered over her.

"You don't have to explain yourself and you don't have to be ashamed either" Ryujin spoke out softly as she cupped his face.

"Really? You don't think it's weird?" She knitted her brows and shook her head.

"no, that's nothing but cute" she pinched his cheek as he scrunched his nose.

"I'm not cute, I told you before, stop saying that" he stated as he giggled out.

"Fine.. but you could have just told me if you want a baby, baby fever is nothing to be ashamed of" she gave him a smile as he sighed and rolled his neck back, making it crack a little.

"Okay fine.. ryu, can you please give me a baby, I want one so badly" he stated out as she smiled at him proudly before nodding her head in agreement.

"See, not difficult at all, and sure, I think we both are ready for getting one" beomgyu's face light up at the words that were published out of her mouth, clearly happy and excited which was something so rare since he rarely expressed his emotions like that.

"Well, so what now?" She asked as gyu grinned, leaning closer to her face.

"oh darlin, you know exactly what's now"

"Don't be so impatient though! It will take us some time" she showed him an disgusted face as he shrugged out and leaned closer to her ear and whispered.

"Gonna be some rough and fun weeks ahead of us huh?"


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