026. ❛ two years ❜

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I walk into the Casita, coming towards Camilo

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I walk into the Casita, coming towards Camilo. He immediately pulls me into a kiss by my waist and then pulls away.

"Good morning mi amor"

"Hi" It was morning and I was tired. I rubbed my eyes, as he chuckled with his arms still around my waist.

"ROSA! You look pretty today!" I heard Dolores yell from across the courtyard.

"Thank you! But you haven't seen me yet!"

"No but Camilo has and I can hear his heart attack!" He blushes, and stuffs his face into my neck.

"Aww Milo~" I cup his face, and kiss his cheeks.

It's been a year since the Casita has fallen and the miracle died. Abuela has gotten a lot better and Isabella and Gael have started dating.

Then, Mariano proposed to Dolores only a couple days ago in front of the whole town. It was very well planned out actually.

It was funny actually. Before, he asked Felix for permission to marry her- at first he was hesitant but he said yes, making Mariano truly excited...

But then he asked for Camilo and Antonio's permission... And I was with them. At first, it was just me and Camilo in his room then Antonio came in to hang out with us.

I was sitting beside Antonio as Camilo was acting out a funny skit, shape shifting into the family members.

Then, Mariano came in and Camilo immediately glared at him as Antonio questioned him in confusion. After a couple of nervous speeches about how much he loves Dolores, he finally asked.

"Why would I let my sister marry-" I quickly put my hand over Camilo's mouth, as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"YES!" Antonio shouts happily.

"My sister is gonna get married!" Mariano grins at the little boy as I release my hand over Camilo's mouth.

"Be nice" I mutter to him, as he groans.

"I wanna get married!" Antonio exclaims, running out of the room with a toucan flying behind him. That's when Mariano changes his view to Camilo. Camilo had his arms crossed over his chest, and huffed as he looked at me again.

"Fine- I guess you have my approval to marry my sister..." Mariano cheers and fists bumps the air, then pulls Camilo into a big hug.

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