A day in the park

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Martin's pov.

I woke up in my underwear drawer and stretchd. It was kinda comfy in there but I would had loved to sleep in a real bed with underwear on. The drawer opened up and I saw my beautiful boyfriend's face.

"Good morning captian jock. Hope you slept well." He saif smiling.

"I did. But I would've rather slept in a real bed."

"Don't worry. And I would thought we could go to the park today." He said still smiling.

I thought about it. It would be fun to go out and he would be close because I wouldn't survive.

"Sure sounds fun. But let me get dressed first."

"Why not go naked?" He said making me look at him weirdly.

Then he started laughing.

"Justin kidding. You should have seen your face."

I laughed too but it kinda sounded like he wasn't joking. I knew what he wanned to do and also that he was scared of saying. But I decided to let him say it. I got dressed in a white shirt with black stripes and black jeans.

Third person pov

Marc arrived at the park with Martin in his bag. He walked to a nice bench and sat down opening his bag. Martin crawled out and sat beside him.

"It's so lovely in the park when it's summer." Marc said while taking out two sandwiches. One big for him and one small fot Martin. He handed Martin his.

"Yeah. It really is. But not as lovely as you." Martin said while eating making Marc blush.

They ate up and just sat there. Marc thought about his dream last night. He nedded to tell Martin about it. He nodded to himself, but just as he was about to speak he saw someone he didn't wanned to see.

"Shit! Bert is here." He said and Martin turned to where he looked.

Quickly Marc grabbed Martin and put him in his bag and started to run.

"Hey wait up Marc." He heard Bert yell and saw that he was chased.

One thing he didn't know was that he was to quick to run, that he forgot to close the bag. So when he was by the playground Martin flew out and landed in some bushes getting knocked out.

Marc's pov

I ran as fast I could. After some meters I turned around and saw that Bert was gone. I sighed in releaf, but when I turned around again I walked into something big. When I looked up I saw the one person I didn't wanned to see. Bert.


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(A/N. How Bert looks like. Not my art)

"Got you now." He said with his dark voice, making me gulp in fear.

Then he grabbed me by my shoulders so I couldn't leave.

"Bert please. Don't beat me up." I said as my voice was shaking.

"Beat you up? No I just wanned to say i'm sorry for bullying you back in high school. I was in a bad mind set. It's okay if you don't forgive me." He said and I could hear from his voice that he meant it.

"Sure. Sorry I ran away. I was just scared."

"It's okay. Well I got to leave. See you around. And say to Martin I said hi." And with that he walked off. I sat down on a bench grabbed my bag. But then I saw something that made my heart stop. The bag was open. I most have forgot to close it. And then I looked inside. Empty, Martin was gone.

"Oh no!"

I quickly stood up and ran to look for him before something happens.

Martin's pov

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a bush. Slowly I stood up and looked out of the bush. It was close to the playground and it was full of kids.

"I better stay here. If a kid finds me they'll think i'm a toy." I thought.

Minutes flew by and then I heard some footsteps by the bush. They came closer and then the bush was pushed apart revealing a little girl's face that smiled at me. I just sat still not wanting the her to know I was alive.

"Aww. A cute doll." She said and picked me up.

I was as still I could be as she looked over me. She ran to her mom grabbed a pink bag, went to the slide and sat down. And then started to play. With me. She opened pink bag and inside I saw princess dresses and makeup. Oh no I was gonna be played as a doll.

"Let's take off your clothes." She said and took off my shirt and then my pants leaving me naked. Luckely she didn't look at my private area. Then she put on a dress on me with glitter, if Marc saw me he would laugh.

"Aw you look so cute. Now time for makeup." She said making me sweat.

Minutes flew by and I was in a dress, had makeup on and was on a tea party. I needed to escape. But how?

"Oh. Seems like the tea is out. Stay here Dolly. I'll be back." The girl said and left. This was my chance. Quickly I stood up, took my clothes and ran to the slid. I slided down and ran to the bush again where I hid. As I looked at the slide I saw the girl looking for me. She then walked up to the bush. My heart was beating. I was gonna get caught again. But then.

"Maria! It's getting dark. Time To go home." Said who I assumed was her mom.

The girl looked sad but walked to her mom with sad ears and they left. Good now I could just wait in thr until Marc appeared. I was about to change when I heard a familier voice.

"Martin there you are! I was so worried."

I turned around and saw Marc. He picked me up and hugged me while his tail was waving. But then he noticed the dress and makeup. He snickerd.

"Do I wanna know?"

"No! Let's just go home." I said blushing in embaresment.

On the way home he told me about what happened with Bert. And then we went to bed. Me in the drawer and him in the bed. We fell asleep wondering what would happen next.

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