ice cream (part2)

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3rd person POV

That night Pepper and Morgan led Peter too his room. It was one long hallway lined with four rooms; far left empty; next his room; than another empty room; than on the far right was Morgan's room.

That night Peter was awkward and not quite like himself, not relaxed in his own skin. It was the same way with Morgan her first three nights. But now her bubbly, happy-go-lucky, cheerful personality shined through; like an aura of gold, tinted with specks of pink and light blue glitter glowing from around her at all times.

When Peter went to sleep he was surprised at how comfortable the bed was, and at how well he slept despite not being in a habitat he was used too.

The next morning they had breakfast: pancakes with bluebarries and bananas; scrambled eggs with cheese and sausage.

After that the four of them loaded up into Pepper's car, aka the soccer mom car. With Pepper in the diver seat of the black soccer mom van, Peter behind her; Tony in the passenger seat, and Morgan in her booster seat behind him, they drove too the center that previously held Peter.

Although they used GPS, Peter was mainly directing them. The GPS was just spinning them in circles since it was trying to navigate them into a no longer existing entrance. Peter told them to go through the alleyway around back that was build for delivery semi trucks 🚚 to drop off their supplies.

When they parked there was one semi with two people in red t-shirts unloading stuff into the big garage looking loading area, but they didn't see a door that looked like you were supposed to enter through.

Peter pointed towards the door on the far left hand side, it blended in with the building since it was painted the same cream color as the rest of it. Once they spotted it Peter said "that's the main entrance"

"Really?" Mr. And Mrs. Stark asked in sync, brows raised in concern.

"Yeah, that paper in the sign" he said then they noticed the piece of paper stuck onto the door with a single piece of Scotch tape on the top; a black marker plus crappy hand writing which created a sign that said "entrance" and then that they're open 24/7.

Mr. And Mrs. Stark exchanged a look before the four of them got out of the car.

Once inside they went too the front desk, Peter keeping an extra eye on Morgan. As the Starks signed the papers they noticed that Peter's aura had changed into more of a defensive, shield or armor like feeling radiating off of him.

He wasn't happy, or smiling. He glared at just about everyone, and glanced at Morgan every couple of seconds; like he was scared something might happen too her.

On the other hand: Morgan, was very talkative. Asking questions just about every second and greeting most everyone that came into her sight. Grinning from ear too ear she asked "Bubba, piggy back ride?"

"Sure" he said with a soft smile -since he was talking too Morgan- and crouched down. His knees on the ground he tapped his shoulders, telling her he was ready. She hopped on with ease and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Peter stood up, arms wrapped around behind himself too keep her from slipping "Woah, I'm so tall!" Morgan cheered, Peter wincing.

"Can you be a little quieter please? You're right in my ear"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry bubba" Morgan apologized with a sheepish, apologetic smile on her face.

Morgan quickly became the little sister that Peter wondered about having, and Peter quickly became the older brother Morgan always dreamt about having.

Peter very protective of his little sister: giving old single lonely men death stares when they dared look at Morgan the wrong way like it was her fault their wife's Karen left them and took the kids even though they were abusive drunkards.

671 words
(Fuck this felt like an occupational hazard reading through this again. As you can see my problems are ✨️shining✨️ through once again with the

He wasn't happy, or smiling. He glared at just about everyone, and glanced at Morgan every couple of seconds; like he was scared something might happen too her.

Like- shi' bitch, daymn... get some therapy ffs)

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