Chapter 6

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Saying the next words were hard. It felt like a lump had lodged itself in his throat making it harder for him to speak.

Taehyung's heart screamed at him not to do this. But his mind wanted answers. It wanted things to be clear of all insecurities and doubts which clouded him.

Doubts which never allowed him to trust someone. Doubts that built up iron walls and made him shut himself behind it. Doubts which made him question others’ every action towards him and any ulterior motives it held. Doubts that made him loose any little confidence he had only to plague him with the thoughts of his worthlessness.

He wanted to untangle the swirly mess of his head. And if by asking Jin some questions it helped a little, then so be it.

“I’m sorry Hyung, it was not my intention. I wanted some space”.

“Taehyung-ah, I understand that you were not in a good place. But you should’ve at least let us know you were doing okay. Not doing anything worried me sick”, Jin’s every word hit him like a truck. He was so genuinely worried that his tone and expression showed it.

“We are always there for you Tae. You can lean on us a little”.

At those words, the dam broke and a flood of emotions mixed with his unstable thoughts left his swollen and chewed on lips, as he broke down.

“Why do you care Hyung? Afterall what connected me to you was him, why are you still here?” They didn’t need to utter the name who Taehyung was referring to.

“You are his friends. You should be with him and support him. Not someone like me. There is no need for you to come check up on me when all ties between him and I are cut and nothing exists”.

This is it. He was letting it out.

Taehyung had always been doubting. He had thought that once Jungkook had pushed and cast him aside, there was going to be no attachment to the others whom he considered as friends.

Even the strings which connected them would have been severed. For they were mutual friends. When the link between the two broke, he had believed nothing would connect them. He thought that Jin and Jimin had befriended him because of Jungkook.

And so he didn’t want to make it awkward for them. So he never let himself share his feelings with them. He wasn’t sure if they really cared.

Jin just shook his head at the nonsense that poured out of the younger’s mouth.

Is that the reason why Taehyung never let him see him weak?

Did he think nobody wanted him?

It severely wounded Jin knowing how the younger thought of it all. He was now understanding the magnitude of how lonely Taehyung was.

He wanted to show the younger how he was precious and cared for. How he meant a lot. How he was a part of Jin’s life and was never going to get rid of him. How Jin considered him as his own brother.

It tugged at his heart to see the poor boy with round puppy eyes drowned in tears, red nose snotty and lips pressed into a pout not to let any whimpers and body curled into himself. Trying to shield himself from the outside world.

Oh how Jin wanted to protect this precious soul. His motherly nature instigated,  he pulled the younger towards himself and hugged him as his own eyes watered.

Rubbing soothing circles on the brunette’s back , he assured the other.

“Taehyung-ah, you are my friend. It is maybe through Jungkook that we became close and he was a common denominator. But always remember that my actions and words are always mine. He can never influence me to do anything”.

“If I am here sitting with you, it’s because I care. It’s because I was worried. It’s because I consider you as my friend. You are like a little brother to me and I want to protect you”.

“And don’t even get started”, he held up a hand to shush whatever Taehyung had to say to debunk.

“I do not pity you. You are the strongest person I’ve ever known and I just want to be there for you and support you through everything. Won’t you let your Hyung do such a little thing, Taehyung-ah?”

Brushing back the damp hair and moist from his eyes, Taehyung looked up at the older in disbelief. His warm hazel eyes now held surprise and a hint of relief.

Relief to know he had someone. Someone who will have his back no matter what.

You see, humans don’t change in a matter of seconds or minutes. Change and evolution takes its own time. And every person has their own pace.

Adjusting to the new environment or changes within yourself can be hard. It requires patience, trust ,willingness and acceptance.

And Taehyung was now at the starting line. Ready and willing to accept the fact that his Jin Hyung cared for him for being him. Not because he was Jungkook’s friend and not out of pity.

He still wasn’t sure about anything.

It would definitely take time for him to get used to having someone he could call a close friend, but he was ready to take the dive.

And that was enough for Jin.

“Before you assume things about Jimin, I can swear that even he feels the same as me. Don’t go question him this if you don’t want to get smacked some sense into you, Tae” , Jin said trying to lighten the mood his voice cracking at the joke.

However, his words were very much true  though. Jimin would literally smack Taehyung in the head to whack some sense into him.

That boy was a little fireball hiding under the cute exterior of looking like a mochi.

“I’ll try , Jinnie Hyung”.

The little whisper which left the younger’s mouth brought relief and joy to the older. He tightly braced him and this time Taehyung didn’t hesitate to reciprocate the act, as his slender arms wound around the broad shoulders of the older.

He felt at peace.


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