Chapter 15

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It wasn’t bad. Dating Aera and trying to be like a couple.

It was like them being close friends again, except with some much needed display of affection for the outsiders and their parents. And It certainly took some getting used to, moving past the awkward stage; trying to call cringey nicknames, not flinching at every affectionate touch and small pecks here and there or planning lively and entertaining dates.

It was a problem Jungkook had never tackled before, so he stumbled along the path. Everything being so new to him, he felt it overwhelming.

He wondered how people even dated, when he was struggling to find a simple activity for both Aera and him to be engaged with for a couple of hours alone. And Aera being a brat wasn’t helping at all, leaving everything to him saying he needs to get into the field to gain some experience for any future references if there was any possibility if he ever did find someone he loved and wanted to woo them before he is forced to marry her.

She still believed that Jungkook was capable of emotions. He was capable of love and so much more. She knew it as she was one of the few people whom he cared so much about. He was just bad at expressing himself.

She had hope and she was willing to take the risk. Putting her own heart and feelings at stake. All of the doubts clouding what if she fell in love with him? Would he reciprocate it? Or would he still hide behind his expressionless facade and only put a show for the public that he loved her? Would she be willing to let him go if he found someone else like she wished for?

The only way to navigate through this unknown territory of  dark, murky waters was to take caution. And she was guarding herself with all her might. Taking a step further by not giving herself too much hope and trying not to get attached.

It was exhausting really;Planning a fun date. And Jungkook’s only source of help came from calling out to his other best friend every other day for suggestions. 

“Okay, so a walk in the park, feeding the ducks, cycling and having ice-creams is your suggestion of a date Hyung?”

“Well, you asked for it. I’m only giving you ideas”, Jimin breathes out from the other end. “It’s your choice ultimately, where you go or what you do”.

“But, you know Aera doesn’t know to ride a bicycle and is afraid of animals. So, feeding the ducks and bicycling through a park is not an option”, the ravenette puts his hand upto his brows and massages it, pacing his office.

“Well, how about ice-skating?”

“Last time we were on a rink, she had cursed me to take responsibility if she ever breaks her neck and dies”.

Jimin chuckles, remembering the retelling of the incident from back in their university as they sat around the table during lunch one afternoon. “Yeah, I remember that distinctly. Swore to even haunt you in your dreams if she turned into a ghost ”.

“What about a classic dinner date at an expensive restaurant and then go wager at a casino? I’m sure both your competitive spirits will be stoked to have a win”.

“I’ve already overdone the dinner dates”, Jungkook stands in front of the glass wall, looking at the setting skyline and the bustling city below. “Like maybe four time already”.

“Man, I can see why Aera calls you boring now”.

Jungkook groans, “Well, sue me for not having a romantic bone in my body. How did Taehyung even do this shit for years?!” As the words leave his mouth, he freezes realising what he spoke.

The other end of the line is silent as well, as Jungkook tries to cover his slip up. He doesn’t know what to say, and the silence is awkward.

“Ughh.. yeah, so..”, he clears his throat, running a hand through his dishevelled hair, “I’ll keep it simple with a movie and pizza then”.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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