Solaire Clan

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 Jesus had his head in (Lovely)'s lap. (Lovely) was in the front and Jesus did not want to go in the back (He fucking refused to go in the back). ''So where exactly is your clan?'' I asked as I was turning on my car. '' Well, it's down 44th South Northern street, take a right down Old Riley, then you go straight for about ten minutes, then" I stopped them with a small chuckle. '' Well, how about you tell me on the way there, kay?" I smiled at them. (Lovely) smiled as well and agreed to that. I put my car in reverse and the next thing I knew I was driving.


 '' Then take a left-right here,'' (Lovely) pointed down a dark road. I sighed why was I not surprised by this? I mean vampire, dark space, barely any houses, I mean it makes kinda a lot of sense. Then I saw a large apartment building or a run-down warehouse. "Which one?'' I asked them. '' Each one is fine, but probably the warehouse,'' They patted Jesus's head. Okay, good to know that this clan owns two buildings. '' D.U.M.P provided us with these two buildings,'' (Lovely) informed me. '' What's D.U.M.P?'' I asked placing my car in stop. '' It's an organization that keeps everything supernatural in order, and provides people with things, mostly big clans or packs,'' (Lovely) explained swinging the car door open and stepping out. Jesus jumped out and circled through their legs. '' So it's kinda like D.A.M.N ?'' I asked. (Lovely) snorted. '' No, D.A.M.N is a school dumbass,'' They flicked my head. '' Well, shit I thought it was another organization, you asshole,'' I punched their shoulder. They laughed and grabbed my arm. '' Come on slowpoke, you need to meet my family,'' They tugged me along.

  I laughed and let them pull me along. Jesus followed close behind. I looked at the warehouse. It was a little run-down but not as run-down as I thought it was going to be. It was a deep auburn color (from the lack of sunshine). It was built on a sturdy foundation, I had an eye for these types of things. The path to the front of the warehouse was paved with rocks and stones. They were smoothed down to make the road a lot prettier. Jesus ran ahead and sniffed around and zoomed everywhere. I sighed and smiled. All I heard around us was out footsteps and Jesus's panting. Then we arrived at the door. Before they said anything, felt my stomach churn. I took three deep breaths and smiled at (Lovely). '' You ready?'' They asked. '' Yup, when I walk through this door it starts over my whole old life,'' I whistled Jesus over. He ran faster than a bullet. '' Alright, I'll call you over when they're ready,'' They said opening the door. I nodded then they slipped inside. I placed my forehead against the palms of my hands. 

 God this was nerve-racking! I took even more deep breaths trying to calm myself. Jesus nudged my leg. I looked down at him. He whined and did puppy eyes. I sighed and sat down right in front of him. '' Thanks, bud, for looking out for me,'' I kissed his head. He did a goofy smile and licked my forehead. I giggled.'' Slowpoke!'' I heard (Lovely)'s voice ring out for me. I felt a lot calmer than before. ''Coming,'' I said getting up. Jesus followed me up to the door. Then he sat down at the door. Every time we went somewhere he followed me up to the door, then sit down and wait for me. I rubbed his head and opened the door. I was greeted by (Lovely) smiling. '' They're excited to see you,'' They grabbed my sleeve. They tugged me along, and I just followed them into the warehouse. It was a lot nicer inside. There were a couple of couches. '' This is where the clan meets up to have meetings,'' They informed me. I nodded and smiled. They seem happy, but I could tell that there was underlining sadness underneath. Because of that stupid Inversion.

 I felt bad for them having to die, then being revived again, and half of their powers taken away. That I didn't even know about that.  Then they knocked on a big spruce door. '' Come inside,'' I heard a slight french accent come from the door. I raised my eyebrow. (Lovely) opened the door and I was instantly greeted by someone. '' Hello,'' A rather tall male greets me. He had dirty blonde hair that was put in a ponytail. His skin was a light tan color, and his eyes were a light green color. He wore a white tee with a brown jacket, he wore jeans, with a pair of black sneakers. I smirked and looked at (Lovely). They raised their eyebrow. I smiled and held my hand out. '' (First name)(Middle name)(Last name), but you can call me (Lamb),'' I shrugged. He shook my hand. '' Vincent Solaire,'' He smiled. ''Oh~ so you're the Edward Collins to Bella Swan,'' I joked. He groaned and pushed back his hair. '' How did I know you were going to do that?'' He asked laughing. I released his hand and (Lovely) punched my shoulder. '' Ow, what was that for?'' I asked. '' I told you not to bring up Twilight!''  They hissed a little. I laughed and looked around. I saw another male. He had dark brunette hair, with a cowboy hat. (Ah yes someone who's from the country). His eyes were a gentle brown color. He wore a flannel with a white shirt underneath, he also wore some blue jeans, with some boots. 

 '' Is that Sam?'' I asked Lovely. They nodded. Then I saw another male. His hair was slicked back. He was older than both Sam and Vincent combined. His hair was streaked with gray. His eyes were alight goldish brown color. He wore a black suit with white stripes. He also wore white gloves. Oh, so this was the king huh, I was expecting him to look more mafia-like. The King stood up and walked toward us. I felt myself stiffen up trying to look as presentable. I wasn't expecting him to look so formal. I should've worn something more formal. The king stopped in front of us. '' You must be (First name)(Middle name)(Last name), correct?'' The king asked me. I nodded.'' Well, my name is William Solaire,'' He held out a hand for me to shake. I took it and shook it. '' Pleasure to meet you, sir,'' I stumbled over my words a little. '' Please child there is no need to be afraid, you are here to help us after all,'' He smiled. I felt more composed and smiled. '' Of course,'' I realized his hand. '' Now shall we get down to business?'' Sam asked pointing at a door. '' Yes, but we should explain first,'' William said nodding. I gulped here we go, I thought. Time for my world to change even more.


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