Hateful Passion

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 I was driving back to my house with Jesus. After that run-in with Adam, William told me to go and take a breather. (Lovely) also told me to go home and take a nice lavender & lemon bath. And that sounded good right about now. I gripped the steering wheel of my corvette, and Adam still lingered in my consciousness. His stupid face his laugh still was in the air. I took three deep breaths, I loosened my grip on the steering wheel. Jesus laid his head on my lap and whined. He missed (Lovely) now he saw them for the first time in months. Now we were back at our own house. I rubbed his head and smiled. ''It's okay Jesus they come and see us again, I promise,'' I reassured him. I turned off my car and leaned my head back on the headrest. 

 I felt like I was being watched, but that was impossible because I would have noticed if anyway was following me.  I shook my head and pressed on my temples. Calm down F/N (First name), just go inside and soak in the bath for 30 minutes or so. I opened the door to my car and whistled for Jesus. He followed close on my heels. I heard the trashcan tip over. Fucking raccoons, I groaned and fished my keys out of my pocket. I tussled with the door a little then I finally got it open.

 Jesus ran in and sat in his bed. I laughed and hung up my coat. I walked down the slight hallway covered with pictures of me, (lovely), Jesus, and my grandparents. My photos with my parents were in the living room. I walked into my room and laid down on my bed. Jesus started barking out of nowhere. '' Old man, stop barking,'' I groaned pressing my index finger to my forehead. He kept barking, I rolled my eyes and grabbed my pj's s, and went to the bathroom. I closed the door to the bathroom. I turned on the showerhead and then changed it to the nozzle. I stripped off my clothing and drizzled in the lavender soap and the lemon. These smells always helped me to relax, whenever I was stressed about the day.

 I dipped my hand in the water and felt the temperature. It was (hot/cold/warm) just the way I like it. I turned off the nozzle and got myself in the tub. I leaned back and relaxed in the tub, Jesus stopped barking and I heard him whining at the door. I sighed. "Open,'' I said. I heard Jesus open the door with the little mechanism I made when he was younger. He nudged the door closed then walked over to the tub and whined. ''What is it, buddy?" I held his face and asked. He nudged my nose. He was worried about something but I didn't know what he was worried about. He looked at the door and growled. I raised an eyebrow. I heard something from the outside of the door. I felt my stomach drop. I sat up in the tub and staggered my way out of the tub. 

  Jesus was quietly growling at the door. I slipped on my undergarments and my pajamas. I opened one of the drawers and took out a comb that on grandfather gifted me. A comb with a hidden knife. '' Stay behind me, Jesus,'' I whispered. He sneezed in response. I opened the door a little and peeked out the door. Nothing. Bad sign, because that means that there was probably a small chance that something was lurking in the shadows. I gulped and walked out of the bathroom and walked to the kitchen. Nothing. Good because I didn't want a cheesy murder scene happening here. Something caught my eye, I spun my head around to my bedroom. The door was cracked open. I started to walk to my bedroom but stop dead in my tracks and looked at Jesus. ''Sit,'' I whispered pointing down at the floor. He sat down and whined.'' Stay,'' I ordered quietly then started walking to my bedroom. 

 Jesus whined but stayed put. I walked quietly over to my door and opened the door fully. Nothing. I flicked on the lights still nothing. I sighed and was about to call Jesus over, but Jesus started barking. I felt someone tug on the back of my shirt. They threw me to the wall, before the pain made my eyes close I saw Jesus running over to me but he was stopped by the door slamming shut. I was about to get up and confront the culprit who broke into my house, but they grabbed my collar. They lifted me off my feet. I opened my eyes and gasped. It was Adam, his lip was still busted but he looked better than he did before. I punched his face not even leaving a second for him to say anything. 

 He staggered back letting go of me. ''OPEN!'' I shouted so Jesus could hear. Adam picked me up by my hair. I screamed but I elbowed him. He yelled in pain. I kicked his stomach. He staggered back a little. He was a little stronger than me, I think that was because of the blood loss and the lack of feeding. Jesus came into the room and started to maul Adam. I heard him scream, and curse. I shuffled through my drawers trying to find my phone. '' Get off me you damn mutt!'' I heard Adam shout but Jesus was merciless. I found my phone and unlocked it and tried to call (Lovely). Then I heard Jesus whine next to me, I glanced down. He was kicked over to me and he was bleeding. Oh hell fucking no.

 I heard Adam still trying to get up. I pulled open one of the other drawers and pulled a 5-7 pistol, and tried to shoot Adam he moved too fast. I aimed carefully and shot his shoulder. He screamed and staggered back. Jesus tried to get up. '' Jesus, fetch Pops,'' I ordered. Jesus ran out of the room and went to the living room. Adam sneered. ''Finally,'' He laughed. I raised my eyebrow. He moved with such quickness, that I didn't even see him when he grabbed my neck. I gasped and aimed the gun at his face. He gripped my hand so hard that I swear I heard a bone crack. I yelped in pain and dropped the gun. He went close to my face and smiled. His eyes seemed to glow. ''Well, well, look what we have here, a little lamb stuck, between a wall and a fox,'' He laughed.

 ''Whatever you're going to do it won't work they be forces in here in minutes,'' I threatened at him. He laughed and then went really close to my neck. '' Then it seems I need to have my fill,'' He kissed my neck. I felt a shiver go up to my spine and tried to prevent him. He kept on licking and kissing my neck. There was a mix of cursing in there. '' God, if your skin tastes better than Meat's skin, I wonder if your blood is even better, little lamb,'' He giggled kissing my skin. I felt myself tremble, I heard my phone buzz. It was (Lovely). I tried to squirm away but then I felt the bit. I felt my body warm-up. I heard Adam's little pleasure noises (like he hasn't eaten in a couple of years). I felt him push me farther into him, and grip my hair. 

 I tried to pull back but he felt so much stronger than me now that he's taken blood. '' How did you get out of those chains?'' I managed to get out. He didn't answer me directly but he bit into my neck farther, signing me to shut up. But I wouldn't stop until I got my answer. I tried to push, but he wouldn't budge. Then he took a breather from feeding on me, and he looked straight into my eyes. His eyes seemed full of pleasure, and blood lust. He went close to my face and stroked it. '' You're very cute for a human I'll give you that,'' He complimented. His hands felt freezing to my skin, I mean it was probably because of being in a wet, cold, and damp room for fuckin' seven days straight. He kissed my jawline then kissed his way up. I tussled and struggled to try to get away. ''Jesus, Je'' He cut me off with a kiss on the lips.

 I pushed and pushed trying to get him away but it wouldn't work, because now he was a lot stronger than me. His lips were cold and hard, but I felt him passionately pull me in farther into his lips. I tried to call out for Jesus, but Adam kept on kissing me keeping me quiet. '' Don't try to fight my little lamb, it'll make it a lot worst,'' Adam said kissing my jawline back down to my neck. I tried to say something but he bit my neck again. I whimpered and pushed. I heard a knock on my door. ''Mx. (Last name), are you alright, I heard a gunshot go off, and your dog went running to your fathers,'' I heard Mrs. Elderstern ask. I tried to say something but Adam covered my mouth. I screamed but his hand muffled me. I felt my head go blank and I started seeing black. '' Goodnight, little lamb,'' I heard Adam laugh.


Anyways hoped y'all enjoyed sorry I've gone for a minute, I was making stories on my other account. Anyways love y'all bye!

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