My Heart is Yours

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  ''Yeah, what the hell do you mean by that?'' I heard my sweetheart ask on the phone in the kitchen. Aggro jumped up on my chest. I kissed his head. He hit me with his paw. ''Ow, you fuckin' ass, '' I moped. ''Another one, where are these fucking vampires coming from?" I heard sweetheart growl underneath their breath. I sat up a little. Aggro jumped off and strutted into the kitchen. I got off the couch and walked over to the kitchen. ''Yes, I understand, I'll investigate that soon, I promise, I'll try my best to see what's going on, '' They stroked Aggro. Aggro nuzzled his head into their hand.

 I walked in and sat on one of the stools at the bar. Sweetheart was able to get a place with this. It was a big score. But that meant they had to work a lot, which sucked for them. They sometimes stayed out so late, it was almost morning, and they had to go back to work at six. I swear they deserve a raise. They helped me shift again, I think it's my turn to help them. ''Yes, thank you, have a nice night, '' They tapped their phone and turned it off. I got off the stool and walked beside them. ''You good sweetheart?'' I asked, pushing their hair out of their face. They had dark circles under their eyes. 

 I grabbed their face and kissed them. They brought my body close and ran their fingers through my hair. I pulled away and stroked their face. '' You need to take a break, convince the D.U.M.P to let you have a raise and a different position, '' I whispered. They sighed. ''I tried, and they always say we'll think about it, but they've never done anything about it, '' They rubbed my hand. I sighed and leaned up a little and kissed their forehead. They smiled and leaned down and kissed me. I pulled their waist and closed the distance between us. They picked me up. I shouted a little. Aggro meowed (it kinda sounded like a teasing one)

 ''I was thinking about making something, but I'm exhausted, '' They started by kissing my neck. I blushed and coughed a little. ''I guess I'll order both of us something, '' I laughed with a shit ton of blush across my face. They walked with me and walked up the stairs. ''Oh taking me to are room are you, huh?'' I joked as I wrapped my legs around their waist. They opened the door and closed it behind them. They sat me down on the bed. They sat down on my lap and caressed my face.  I grabbed their ass and ran my hands up and down them. 

 ''Let me do the work for you today, '' I said kissing them. ''What do you mean?'' They asked in the kiss. ''You've been doing so much for me and you now, '' I said bringing them farther on my lap. '' Let me do the work,'' I bit their bottom lip. They smiled and pushed me to the bed. I fell but brought them with me. They laid on top of me and started making out with me. I felt them push down on me. I pulled their waist and body up. They seemed surprised, as I pushed them to the bed. I pinned their hands down.

 I kissed them more passionately and softer. They squeezed my hands and laughed in the kiss. I pulled away and trailed my lips to their neck. They cloaked. I groaned. ''Sweetheart,'' I started. I felt them go on top of me and pinned me. They flipped me over to face them. They had naughty intentions in their eyes (I could tell). I gulped and smiled. ''What'cha gonna do huh, sweetheart?'' I asked them. They leaned down and whispered. ''Your tail is wagging,'' They chuckled. I blushed and looked away.

 Damn it those stupid instincts. They stroked my head. ''Don't tease me you ass,'' I growled a little. They leaned down and kissed my cheek. ''Good boy,'' They teased. ''Hey listen you can not do that to me, you little shit!'' I growled louder. They pecked my lips and shifted down my body. I blushed and tried to move up. They grabbed my waist. (Mind you they were still cloaked!). I felt a rush go up to my body. ''Fuck, sweetheart,'' I covered my mouth. I was getting turned on by this. I felt their face right above my clothed cash & prizes. 

 They were such a tease. I felt them lay a kiss on my clothed cash & prizes. I shook and did a surprised moan. ''Someone's sensitive,'' They chuckled kissing my clothed thighs. ''Stop you fucking tease,'' I covered my mouth. I felt them travel up to my stomach. I felt their knee to my cash & prizes. I felt their hands on my belt. ''Stop you fuckin' tease,'' I looked away from them. I felt their hand pull my wrist. I blushed and looked at what I thought they were.  ''I love you,'' They whispered in my ear. 

 I felt them press their knee to my dick. I moaned and covered my mouth. They rubbed slowly and in circles. ''Fuck, sweetheart,'' I bit my hand holding back my moans. They kissed my stomach and traveled up. They uncloaked and smiled. I grabbed their hand and squeezed my hand. ''The only reason why I let you tease is that I love you,'' I confessed. Their eyes widened. ''I would never let anyone else tease me like this, my heart is fully committed to you,'' I grinned trying to hide that I was blushing so god-damn much. They moved where they were completely shadowing me. 

 They kissed me with such passion it was surprising. ''I know, and you own me, my heart, soul, and mind,'' They smirked looking down at me. I blushed and looked away. ''Fucking asshole,'' I whispered. They laughed and kissed me again.


 Hoped you liked this chapter, I will make even more when I have time. Love y' all bYE!!!!!!!

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