Meeting Loki

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"You must be Heimdall."

"Yes I am, and who might you be?"

"I am the princess of Stravlgard." you said with a curtsy.

"I've never heard of 'Stravlgard' before."

So you then explained the history of Stravlgard and why you have come to Asgard to Heimdall. He was pretty shocked about the history, so that is why you told him to keep it secret and surprisingly he did.

You walked out of the Bi-Frost room and along the Rainbow Bridge making your way to the palace. You knocked on the double doors, and they slowly opened to find an elderly maid.

"May I help you?" asked the maid.

"Uh..." you said while thinking. 'I shouldn't tell her where I'm from since the Gate Keeper was surprised. I don't want her to tell someone that shouldn't know'

"I'm not from here, and wanted to explore this new realm."

"Oh well lucky you; something big is happening today. The prince of Asgard, Thor, is being assigned King right now."

", may I go see that please?"

"Yes, follow me."

You follow the maid down a large corridor with your heart racing and your mind full of thoughts. You finally made it to the Throne Room, there was a huge crowd of people, so you push and shove your way to where you can see the King and Prince. You look around with your eyes stunned in amazement. A man kneeling to the King which must had been Thor was being assigned the duty of becoming this kingdoms new ruler.

Next to the throne were several people, although, one person throughout the whole crowd stood out the most to you. He wore mostly green, a horned helmet, and was very tall. He was just so handsome you thought. You could tell that he was upset and wondered why *gasp* 'What if he was also a prince and wanted to be king today, but couldn't, and felt jealous'

After about a few minuets of staring at the raven-haired man, something went very wrong and you saw the King, Thor, and the man run out of the throne room and into a hallway. Knowing that it might be dangerous and a stupid idea, you decide to follow them anyway.

They walked into what seemed like a hidden room on the far side of the palace. When they walked in and you heard a loud crashing sound come from the room, so you run fast into the chamber. You saw ice everywhere, it was a mess, you wondered what happened...anyway you walk down the stairs slowly trying not to make a sound. But apparently you did make some noise and the raven-haired man turned around and shot you a glare. You jumped behind a column to hide. Sitting there on the floor behind the column you listened to their conversation, hoping they won't find you.

Thor and the King left in a hurry. With you about to follow, you heard someone behind you.

"Hello and who are you?" the man purred.

"Just a visitor, please don't hurt me!" you said very quickly with fear in your voice.

"I wouldn't dare hurt you. Where do you come from and why are you here?"

"Well I can't say exactly where I'm from, but I'm here on an adventure."

"Ohhhh really... by the way my name is Loki. Since you're on an adventure and I have nothing esle to do really, would you like me to show you around Asgard?" he said in his silky voice, which made your insides feel warm and fuzzy.

"Yes I would love that!" you said in a nervous voice.

Loki walked you out and gave you a little tour around the palace. You both got along very well and seemed like friends now. You two walked into a room that looked like a dinning room.

You saw Thor flip the table in rage, guessing it had something to do with the conversation in the chamber earlier, that you didn't really pay attention to. You took a step back in fright. You saw that Loki walked over to Thor and began to talk to him. Feeling unwelcome, you hid behind another column.

Three men and a woman suddenly walked into the room. You thought to yourself 'Oh gods! More people, thats just what I need, more attention!' They all were talking to each other, but you weren't listening until Loki called you over to them.

"Hey its alright you can come out now." Loki said to you in a sweet/innocent tone.

You slowly appeared around the column, as Loki explained why you were in Asgard to them.

"Oh, so the young lady wants an adventure, eh? Well why don't she and you, Loki, come to Jotunheim with us so we can show father the men that we are." Thor said with excitement.

"Are you kidding...her in Jotunheim?! Plus we are not allowed to leave Asgard!"

"Oh come now brother, she'll be safe. And what happened to the adventurous Loki I once knew?...Are you coming?"

"Yes of course." Loki said with a grin thinking it was a stupid idea, and worrying about you.

You, Thor, Loki, the Warriors Three, and Lady Sif were on you all's way to Jotunheim.

You felt really confused because you had no idea where you were going, and quite surprised that you were leaving this fast. Thinking 'Is this place safe...dangerous...will we survive, will we get in trouble since Loki said we we're not allowed to leave Asgard?' With those thoughts flooding your mind, it made you a little nervous, but mostly excited.

You get on Loki's horse with him, making your way to the Bi-Frost. You held him tight so you don't fall, but mostly because you wanted to be close to him.

You stood next to Loki in the Bi-Frost room getting prepared, the next thing you know, you're all in a frozen land called 'Jotunheim'.

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