Stoned To The Bone

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Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this fun idea I had in my head aha, its a bit stupid, don't take it seriously hahah.

This takes place at around the the beginning of season 2, Star and Marco are both still in school. Hope you enjoy!


The sun shone brightly, the sky was clear, and flowers began to bloom, everything seemed perfect. It was a gorgeous summer day in Echo Creek, and it was slowly drawing to a close. Hundreds of students swarmed to the streets as they began their journey home or to whatever activities they had planned. Everyone wore a smile on their face, enjoying the weather and the fact that school had finally finished after a long 8 hours. That is, expect one student.

''Walking back home from school is SOOOO lame knowing you have to do extra homework! What's the point of going home to study even more, just to do the same all over again tomorrow! School makes me wanna throw myself into burning pit of fire!'' Star Butterfly moaned, scuffing her signature purple boots as she slowly walked back home with her best friend beside her.

"I'm afraid that's just life, Star; the week is nearly over, soon it will be Friday and you won't have to worry about school the next day any more. Plus, if you actually did your assignments on time they wouldn't pile up and give you stress." Marco looked down at Star, anticipating a response, but all she offered him was an irritated look. He rolled his eyes and chose to appreciate the scenery of this beautiful day instead of Star's attitude. They'd just been walking in silence for about five minutes when Star decided to pipe up again, expressing her irritation even more.

''School this, school that, Marco, you're only saying that because you ACTUALLY like school with all that revising you do nearly every day.'' Star turned her frown into a smirk while looking straight ahead, she knew that was going to hit a nerve.

Marco gasped, no way did she just say that. Did he really come across as a nerd to her? Surely not. She had witnessed him fight monsters! And not to mention she's come to watch him win a few karate competitions in the pass. Sure, he did enjoy revising, but that was because he found it easy! And he knew it would benefit him in the long run.

''What just because I get good grades and study hard, that makes me like school?'' Marco murmured, slightly insulted by Star's snide remark. Star chuckled, her smirk still plastered on her face as she continued to stare straight ahead.

''Talk to me when you're done making out with text books.'' Star yawned as she replied bluntly.''What? That doesn't even make sense. I don't make out with text books!''

''What ever you say, safe kid.'' Star rolled her eyes, speaking with an annoyed tone more than a jokey one when she usually called him the 'safe kid', Marco noticed this and frowned.

Why is she acting like this? Just because she's in a bad mood doesn't mean she has to put me in one too! Marco grimaced as he noticed a negative mood slowly creeping up on him as he began to feel her effects take hold of him. ''Star, I get your in a bad mood but that doesn't mean you have to put me in one too!'' Marco turned his head towards Star and huffed.

''I never said I was in a bad mood!'' Star nearly screamed as her sluggish, stumbling feet slowly changed into forceful stomps.

''I never said you said you was in a bad mood, you're literally stomping! Its pretty obvious you're annoyed!'' Marco raised his voice slightly, his steps slowly matching Stars. That was it, he was now officially in a bad mood too.

''Maybe I'm stomping because I like to stomp!''

''Well stop! Its infuriating!''


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