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We watched from around the corner the man go into the fridge, and grab a apple, hitting it but since Adams fridge dosent close the first time, he kicked it shut, not even looking. The mans bag was on the table and he had token off his vest. The man opened the empty pizza box, putting it down when he saw nothing in it. "Told you to stay in the garage" the man said, not even looking behind him to know we were there. "And let some creepy dude just wander around my house alone?" Adam said, as the man took off his sweater. Adam began to go threw the mans bag. "Yeah" the man mumbled. "I don't think so" Adam said. Adam pulled out a lightsaber looking thing. "Yeah, believe me. I don't wanna be here any more than you want me here" The man said.

Adam then held up a ball looking thing. "I just gotta stop bleeding long enough" Then man said. I examined the ball thing that was in Adams hands. "Gotta dress the wound, prevent a nasty infection, and i will be on my merry way" The man said, turning around and walking towards us as he held a wet rag to his wound. Adam was now throwing the ball up and down. As the ball was in mid air, the man grabbed it, and pointed at Adam. "Don't touch that" He said, putting the ball back into his bag. "We we're just looking" Adam said. "Don't touch my stuff" The man said, as I held up the lightsaber looking thing. "Is this a lightsaber?" I asked, as the man snatched it from my hands, once again putting it back in his bag. "No it's not a lightsaber" The man said, as Adam held up the bat. "Enough with the bat!" The man said, taking the bat from Adam again, throwing it behind him. "If i wanted to hurt either of you, i would have" The man said. "If i'm being perfectly honest with myself, you have a very punchable face" the man said to Adam, i snickered. Adam glared at me before looking back at the man. Adam put his hand up to his face, before looking back at the man.

The man lifted up his shirt, and i have no way of describing what the hell that wound was. "Oh my-" "God! that- bullet went straight through that's good, cool" The man said. "Wait, wait, wait. Bullet? You were shot?" Adam asked. "Yeah— no actually no" The man began. "I was stabbed with a bullet, what do you think, you moron" The man said. "I'm the moron? you're the one who was shot" Adam said. "All right okay that's it" The man said, coughing. His wound made.. a farting sound? "That.. wow.. that, uh" the man began. "did it just fart?" I asked. "Yeah, uh, it farts when i cough" The man said again. The man than coughed, and the wound farted. "gross" Adam said, turning around. "Super gross" The man said. "I'm gonna go upstairs, grab some stuff, stay cool, you can trust me" the man said walking towards the stairs. "That's easy for you to say, i'm the one who needs up in a therapist office telling them about where the bad man touched me" I said, as Adam and i followed him. Adam snickered, as the man turned around in shock, before continuing to walk. "Oh god, that's where you go? immediately? you are dark, girl" The man said.

"Who even are you?" I asked, the man turning on the light to the bathroom. "That's classified" The man said. The man opened the drawer and pulled out cleaning alcohol. "Why are you here?" Adam asked. "Also classi-" the man said, cutting himself off by putting the cleaning alcohol on the wound, causing him to hiss in pain. "Classified" The man finished. "Are you in the air force?" I asked. "When i say 'classified' what dose your brain hear? Chocolate?" The man bent down in front of us. I nodded. "Mostly yea" I said, as Adam laughed. The man pushed past us, exiting the bathroom. "What's with the lightsaber?" Adam asked, as we followed the man again. "It's not a lightsaber, Jesus christ Adam, i need you to play it cool" The man said, Adam and I paused. "Wait-" I said, as we kept following the man. "I know playing it cool isn't either of your thing" The man continued. "Wait" i said again. "It never has been-" The man said. "Wait, wait! How do you know his name?!" I asked, as Adam and I froze, the man turning around to face us.

The man took a step closer towards us. "You're Adam Reed, born February 10th, 2010, Your parents are Ellie and Louis Reed, Louis would've died about a year ago, You don't play any sports because of acute asthmatic condition, plus your freakishly small for 12, and your best friend is Samantha, or Sammie, Shane, Born March 22nd, 2010, and is also freakishly small for 12, You both go to Franklin Middle School, where you've been suspended two, three times for fighting, which is ironic because nither of you can fight to save your life" The man said, Hawking barking. "Hawking! Zip it!" They both yelled together, causing me to take a step back. Adam and the man looked back at each other. "How do you know my dogs name?" Adam asked the man. "Because i named him." The man said, and i put two and two together and realized who this was. "Adam?" I asked the man, as he looked over at me.

Adam began to fall back, when Adam, older Adam caught him by his shirt, pulling him back up. "Where you goin?" Older Adam asked, as my adam began to wheeze. "oh god" OA, older Adam, sighed, pulling out Adams inhaler from his pocket. OA shook the inhaler, before taking the cap off and tossing it behind him, putting it to Adams mouth for him to use. "Ready deep breath, hold it." OA said, counting Adams breathing. "3...2...1" OA counted. Adam exhaled. "Everybody gets a trophy" OA said, standing up. "When i was seven, I ran into a table on the patio, i got 12 stitches" Adam said, pausing. Then they both lifted their head and pointed to the scar on their chin. My breath hitched and i stumbled back a bit, catching myself on the wall.

"You know how to get into my dads garage, You knew how to close the fridge, you knew how to time my breathing, we have the same scar, and your wearing my dads watch." Adam listed, as they both lifted their wrist to show Adam— their dads watch. "This watch" Adam said, OA repeating after him. "You're me" Adam finally said. "Holy shi-" OA cut him off. "That's classified... but yes" OA said. "I once was" OA said softly. OA then coughed, and of course, his wound farted.


We began to walk in the forest. I don't know why. "I can't believe your future me, wait are Sam and I still best friends in the future?" Adam asked, flashing the flashlight at OA. "Okay you came to terms with that pretty quickly" OA said, pushing the flashlight down, and ignoring Adams question. "It's a little disturbing actually" OA said. "Soo why are you here?" I asked. "Rescue mission" OA said. "I wasn't supposed to land here, i was aiming for 2018" OA said. "I need to get there as soon as possible" OA said. "Who were you trying to save in 2018" Adam asked. "Really" OA said. "Fine can you atleast tell us how you got here?" Adam asked. "I'll show ya" OA said, holding a necklace. The necklace wooshed, and in the sky was a faint shadow of something.

Adam and I stared in disbelief. "What was that?" I asked, getting behind Adam. "crap" OA said. "What?" Adam asked. "Uh, we're gonna switch to plan A, which is where you come in" OA said, looking down at Adam. "You see, time jets, like all things in the future, is coded to its users DNA" OA said. "Because i'm injured... aah, the jet won't even clear me to fly, which means i can't get in there to fix her" OA said. "But guess who can" OA said, looking down at Adam. OA gave Adam the necklace, Adam put his thumb to it, and it worked. The time jet was revealed, it was huge. "There she is" OA mumbled. A small, jet like thing game down from it, coming towards us. "Away we go" OA said, stepping onto the platform. Adam took my hand and i got on first, him close behind me. The thing began to lift us up to the ship.

We went into the little hole were the platform came out of. "Okay, Sam your gonna have to sit on his lap" OA said, i stared out the window. "Oh my god" I said, as Adam sat down. "Yea yea yea sit down" OA said, as i looked to Adam. "Just sit on his lap" OA said, as Adam nodded. I carefully sat down on his lap, making my body face side ways. "Let's see what we're dealing with here, all right, some minor shield damage, coolant leaks, I don't know what that is but when is a flashing red light ever good?" OA said. Adam leant forward to try and touch some buttons when, OA pushed his face back. "Ah da da da da" OA said. "I know you wanna touch all the pretty buttons with your sticky little child fingers, but the reactor has a quantum signature. You fire it up, they can find us, so keep your little fingers on her" OA said.

"If they're here" OA finished. "Who's they?" I asked. "I'm glad that you didn't ask me that because 'they' are classified" OA said, i groaned. "Come on we already know your from the future" I said, he sighed. "Believe me i regret that" OA said. "I had no intention of coming back to revisit.. this." OA said, waving his hand in Adams face. "Jesus, okay" OA sighed.

This one's shorter but here ya go

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