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We woke up and Maura and I went into town to eat anf then went to to gun range. We are getting out of my new Mercedes Mercedes Jane pulls up with Rebecca.

We had the same idea

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We had the same idea.  I guess we did Jane.  Maura you beat me in buying the Mercedes.  Oh oh well. I guess it was meant for me to buy it.  I guess so.
I didn't know you were up here too. Yeah me and Kim figured to get away, since we are both divorcing our spouses and relax and have some fun.
Do you want to go eat with us afterwards? Jane no thank you. I need time away from you and this home wrecker. Maur don't be that way. Jane you don't have no say so how or what I say or do. You lost that right when you asked for a divorce.  I rather you come back at another time to shoot while I am not here.  Maur don't be that way. My name is Dr. Maura Isles.  Okay we will leave.  I thought we were going to be friends. Yes you and me but not Rebecca.  I am not ready to deal with her.  Okay sorry.  Rebecca let's go. We have the same right to be here. Rebecca this is my property.  If you want to shoot,come tomorrow . If you don't leave I will have you arrested for trespassing.  Okay we are leaving.  Maura I am sorry. BITCH NO YOU ARE NOT.  YOU KNEW WE WERE HAVING PROBLEMS AND USED IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE.  It wasn't like that.

Dr. Isles is everything okay? No. I want Rebecca Johnson off my property and not to be allowed to shoot here.  Maur don't be that way. Jane stay out of it or you won't be allowed in any of my properties.  Rebecca get in we will just go eat.
Ladies you heard Dr. Isles. By the way,  Jane and I are getting a divorce so no more freebies.  Okay we will let them know inside.

Jane and Rebecca left.  Maura got on her cell and called all her properties in Tahoe to inform them for now on Jane was to pay full price no more freebies nor discounts. She hung up and we went inside. I have seen Maura upset before but not like this with so much hate in her eyes.

Maura please calm down. I will once I shoot. Maura seeing Rebecca was too soon hurt? Yes. Jane should of known better. Maura she didn't know we were here. Yeah your right and she didn't know I was mad at Rebecca.
Maura we will talk about this further.
.LETS just shoot for now.

Maura took her hand handgun she brought with her and shot as well as I

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Maura took her hand handgun she brought with her and shot as well as I.

Jane why didn't you stand up for me? Rebecca we agreed to be friends.  I only knew she was here because of the Mercedes. I had no idea she was mad at you. She was trying to get me mad. She has every right to keep me,you and anyone else she doesn't want on her properties. You and I both know that.  She asked you to leave and we didn't.  She could of had you arrested for trespassing once she asked you to leave.  Jane you drove us here. I  didn't know she felt this way. She just needs time.  Olivia told me she was getting a divorce and was trying to get back with her ex wife but her wife doesn't want her back. Jane I didn't know Kim was married to a woman or was even bi. Yes she is. Let's just enjoy dinner here. Jane not at her hotel. Okay we will go somewhere else .   I restarted my jeep and left the hotel parking lot. We decided to go eat at the casino instead.

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