Chapter 17

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I woke up laying on a concrete floor in a room that barely had any light. I held my head and I leaned against the wall and pulled my knees to my chest.

"Hello?" I yelled out no matter how much it hurt my head. I saw a slot open on the door and I saw Victors face.

"About time you woke up, I was starting to think we dosed you too much." Victor said and I groaned.

"You dosed me?!" I groaned.

"It didn't take much I mean you were drinking like a fish at that bar." Victor said and I groaned.

"Why take me Victor, what am I to you?" I asked and he laughed as I stood up and walked to the metal door.

"You are Danica Watts, Johnny Storms true love. You think he wont come looking for you?" Victor said.

"He doesn't know where I am! I left my cellphone at the bar, that they only way he could even come close to tracking me. And FYI Johnny doesn't give 2 shits about me anymore. None of them do." I said and Victor laughed and that's when I got a good look at him.

"What happened to you?" I asked seeing the metal crack on his face and he touched it.

"My own personal damage from the space mission. I find it more of a gift than a burden like Ben and all of them find theirs." Victor said and I groaned.

"Ben turned into a pile of rocks! Anyone would find that annoying as hell and want to be normal again!" I said annoyed. Victor just chuckled.

"Well I am going to embrace my new imperfections and help Ben get rid of his." Victor said and I sighed.

"Victor, come on just let me out of here. I wont say anything to anyone about you having me." I said and he sighed.

"I can't do that, I need them to come after you. I need them all here." Victor said.

"And how long are you planning on keeping me here?" I asked.

"As long as I see fit. Don't worry I'm a nice capture, you will get some food, maybe some clean clothes but nothing else. Trust me they will have no reason to be looking for you at all. You left town according to them." Victor said

"What do you mean I went out of town?" I asked confused.

"Yeah you probably don't remember the note I had you write. They won't be looking for a while, it was very convincing." Victor said and I heard an alarm go off.

"Okay well I have a meeting to get to. Enjoy your day..." Victor said and closed the slot of the door. I started pounding on it.

"Damn it Victor open the god damn door!" I screamed.

*****JOHNNY POV*****

I stood outside on the porch of Dani's house pounding on the door.

"Damnit Dani, open the door!!!!" I yelled and she wasn't answering.

"Call her phone again." I said to Sue who was with me and she tried the number again but it just rang and then went to voicemail.

"She isn't picking up Johnny." Sue said and I groaned. I kept pounding on the door.

"Johnny she obviously isn't here." Sue said and I shook my head.

"Her car is here, meaning she has to be here. She called me last night and needed to see me, she wouldn't just ignore me now." I said. Sue watched me then lean back and kicked the door in.

"JOHNNY!" Sue screamed.

"I didn't have a key to the new lock." I said simply and walked in the house. I rushed to Dani's bedroom and she wasn't in there, her bed hadn't even been slept in. I looked around her entire house and I couldn't find anything stating she was at home at all. I went back to her closet and noticed some of her clothes were missing.

"Johnny, in here." Sue said from the living room. I rushed in and Sue handed me a note.

-Whoever finds this,

I don't know who will get this, my guess would be Johnny since he doesn't know limits of personal space. I left guys, I needed to get out. I was feeling DOOM and GLOOM over the whole Johnny situation and knowing he doesn't love me anymore so I decided to go spend some time out in nature and go camping to clear my mind.

See ya later!


I read the note over and over knowing something seemed off, this was not Dani but I couldn't put my finger on it exactly.

"Let's get her door fixed and get out of here." Sue said and I sighed as I was able to get her door back on the hinges but I found the spare keys by the door and took them in case I needed to get back in. Sue and I got in her car and headed back to the Baxter Building but I called her phone one more time praying.

"Hello?" The phone was answered by a man.

"Yeah this is Johnny and I'm trying to get ahold of Dani." I said pissed off knowing a guy answered her phone.

"Yeah I'm the bartender at Malloy's she left her phone her when she left last night. You want to come and get it?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll be right there." I said and looked at Sue as I hung up.

"Malloy's bar, that's where he phone is." I said and Sue drove to the bar. Once we got there I looked around outside but say no cameras. I walked in and up to the bar.

"I'm Johnny, we talked on the phone about the phone that was left here." I said and the guy handed the phone over. I started looking through the phone but all I saw were this missed called to me, sue calling her and someone name Alicia. I called Alicia and waited for her to answer.

"Hey girl, where have you been?" Alicia answered on her phone.

"Hey, sorry this is Johnny, um...Dani left her phone at the bar and I just came to pick it up. How do you know Dani?" I asked confused. I never heard her talk about an Alicia before.

"I met her at the bar last night, is everything alright?" Alicia asked.

"I don't know, she said she is taking a trip for a while. Did she mention this last night?" I asked.

"No, never just mentioned you a lot and how she missed you. Listen, can you just keep me updated please? We really hit it off and I would like to know." Alicia said.

"Yeah of course, if you think of anything call her phone, I will keep it charged." I said.

"Will do." Alicia said and they both hung up.

"Thanks for this." I said to the bartender and walked out. I met Sue outside and she sighed.

"None of these businesses have cameras." She said and I groaned.

"Listen, lets just go back to the Baxter Building and re-group." I said and Sue nodded as we got back in her car and drove back home.


Thanks to @thewintershield96 for the help with the note! You the best! ❤

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