Pert three :]]

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~~~Benevolents POV~~~

Macabre whirled around "WHAT THE HELL BENEVOLENT"
Benevolent was standing with his back to the door, a panicked look on his face
"You idiot!! Do you not look behind you?!? That Monster could have killed you!!"
Something slammed into the other side of the door and Benevolent quickly locked it. "You could have been killed, you moron!"
"How was I supposed to know there was something behind me?? I didn't hear anything!!" Macabre hissed
"Well maybe you should pay more attention to your surroundings then!! You're lucky I grabbed you in time!" Benevolent retorted "you should have listened to me in the first place!!"
"I can take care of myself!" Macabre growled
"Clearly you can't! The only difference is you would have been walking in the middle of the woods, you wouldn't have heard it, I wouldn't have been there to help you and you would be dead!" Benevolent was honestly quite upset at Macabre's lack of awareness.
Macabre had a weird look on his face, he had never seen Macabre with that expression before.
"Well... maybe... i..." Macabre grumbled
"He's scared," Benevolent realized "Did he realize that he would have died if he was in the forest? Or did he realize that he would have been ripped to shreds if I hadn't  intervened? No. he's probably upset that i'm right"
"Well im not letting you go back outside, after that"
Macabre muttered something Benevolent couldn't hear.
"You can sleep on the couch or I can sleep on the couch and you can sleep in my bed." Benevolent sighed
"I'll sleep on the couch." Macabre was obviously angry, but seemed to have realized that Benevolent wasn't going to change his decision


Macabre was already awake by the time Benevolent got up. Benevolent had to go on patrol around the city's walls today. That was never a fun job, the walls were the most dangerous part of the city, especially when you were on the second level. Benevolent stepped outside and started to walk off, when he heard the door of his residence open behind him, he looked over his shoulder.
"Can I come with you?" a tired looking Macabre asked
"That's odd. He never asks if he can come with me, he usually just goes where he wants." Benevolent thought "if you want." he told the shorter operative.
They walked off in silence. It wasn't until they had reached the second level of the city, that Macabre said something
"I'm sorry for not listening to you last night..."
Benevolent gave macabre a surprised look.
"Wow. you're apologizing to me!? I didn't know you could do that!"
       "Fuck you." Macabre  hissed immediately
"Yep, that's the reaction I expected." Benevolent sighed
Macabre hissed something under his breath. Benevolent noticed he looked a bit sad & tired, he reached over and took Macabre's hand, intertwining his fingers with Macabre's. Macabre glared at him but gave Benevolent's hand a light squeeze.
"You seem sad." Benevolent commented, "are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Macabre growled.
He was clearly not fine. That was obvious. But Benevolent decided not to pry, if Macabre didn't want to tell him he didn't have to. They continued walking for a bit
"Do you..." Macabre started. "Do you ever feel like... every day is just getting repetitive?" he asked.
"Yeah. I feel like that all the time" Benevolent responded.
"Is... there anything to do to fix that?" Macabre asked "i'm getting sick of it"
"Yeah, you can try to do something you don't normally do. Or you could try to focus on the things that made today special or different from yesterday. I usually  try to bake something new, but I know cooking isn't your favorite thing so..." Benevolent was honestly very surprised that Macabre was being this open, he was normally very introverted and not open about his problems. "Maybe he trusts me more than i thought"

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