Port 4 :0

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~~~Macabre's POV~~~
Macabre was at the graveyard. Great had actually given him a guard post he liked for once. He felt like Great would purposely give him jobs and assignments he didn't like. Nothing exciting had happened in the past three weeks. He had tried Benevolents advice on trying to focus on the exciting things, but everything seemed boring. It was always, wake up, eat something, go on patrol, or stand around at a guard post, kill civilians, and go home. He checked the time on the small clock that hung in the shelter of the guardpost. "My shift will be over soon." he mumbled to himself. Once his shift was over he started walking, not really paying attention to where he was going. He felt something drip on top of his head, and realized it was raining. He quickly walked to the nearest building. Which happened to be the bakery (yay plot convenience!)
"Fuck" Macabre grumbled. But he was gonna get wet, so he walked into the bakery
"Hello! Welcome to the Benevolence bakery, I hope you're having a wonderfully Benevolent day!" Benevolent said as he walked in "oh! Hello Macabre! I didn't expect to see you today!" he seemed as cheerful as always
"Well i wasn't planning on coming in here but it's raining, so..." Macabre replied "I don't want to be here just so you know."
Benevolent smiled "okay! Whatever you say!"
Macabre sighed
"Oh that reminds me!" Benevolent exclaimed
"What?" Macabre asked
But Benevolent had already disappeared into the back of the bakery
He returned a moment later with a small box "I know you don't like sweets that much but made you cookies!"
Macabre was a bit surprised at this, nobody ever made anything for him. "I- thank you, that's actually really nice..." he said, taking the box from Benevolent. "I do like sweets by the way, I just never have them because I end up eating all of them in one sitting."
"Oh I just assumed you didn't like them." Benevolent said with a smile, before looking out the window. "Goodness you weren't kidding about it raining huh?"
Macabre turned his attention to the windows and the slightly blurred shapes beyond them. It was pouring rain now, much harder than it had been when Macabre had entered the bakery."it wasn't raining that hard when i came in here" he admitted

"I have an umbrella if you want me to walk you home." Benevolent offered
"Why do you want to walk me home so bad!?" Macabre asked "are you trying to stalk me?"
"No! I'm trying to be nice!" Benevolent "goodness Mac, if i wanted to stalk you i wouldn't be so obvious about it"
"I-" Macabre started
"Wait, that makes it sound like I'm stalking you," Benevolent said in a panicked voice. "I'm saying if I wanted to, it wouldn't be that hard. Wait no. I'm not stalking you, I promise."
"I need to move, don't i." Macabre said
"That's not what I meant!" Benevolent said
"I think I would know if you were to be honest. You're not  very good at being secretive." Macabre gave Benevolent a small smile.
"I wouldn't mind having an umbrella to walk home with though. And some company wouldn't be so bad either i suppose"


"Do you think it's gonna be safe to walk into the woods?" Benevolent asked
"It should be" Macabre told him "it's not nighttime so it should be fine"
"Okay" Benevolent mumbled "i don't want to get attacked by a night monster"
"Imagine getting mugged by a night monster" Macabre grinned
"That almost happened to you, you don't have to imagine." Benevolent responded
"That was your fault." Macabre teased
"It was not!" Benevolent exclaimed "you were the one not paying attention"
"I know I'm just teasing you," Macabre said, accidentally bumping into Benevolent to  avoid a puddle. The rain had gotten less violent but it was still drizzling. Macabre was actually in a good mood for once, something about the rain was calming. but deep down he knew that being with Benevolent was what was enjoyable but he decided to blame the rain for that instead.

Once they had reached the woods, Macabre started walking into it. He turned when he realized Benevolent had stopped. The rain was starting to pour down harder again.
"Is something wrong?" he asked the taller operative
"No, I'm just worried." Benevolent responded
Macabre walked back over to Benevolent. Stepping under the umbrella he was holding. Macabre had gotten a bit wet when Benevolent had stopped. "About what?" he asked
"The night monsters." Benevolents voice had gotten higher. That usually meant he was worried or scared. "I know that it's not nighttime, but the forest will be dark if it's raining. What if the monsters are out?"
"They won't be." Macabre reassured him "they aren't aggressive during the day usually."
"I- are you sure?"
Benevolent asked
"Yes, I'm almost one hundred precent sure." Macabre told him.
"Alright then." Benevolent sighed

They walked into the woods, the rain thinning because of the leaves and pines.
"Have you ever gotten lost out here?" Benevolent asked "on the way to your residence I mean."
"Oh yeah" Macabre told him "all the time. I got lost the other day actually! It
depends on where I go into the forest, I have most of it mapped out in my head though." he smiled at the taller operative.
They reached Macabre's house rather quickly. Mostly because of the fact that Macabre noticed Benevolent was especially nervous.
"Um- would you like to stay for a drink or something?" Macabre asked nervously, after he unlocked the door. Macabre really wanted to spend more time with Benevolent, he was genuinely enjoying spending time with him.
"Sure!" Benevolent answered happily
Macabre made them both some hot chocolate, and sat down on the couch next to Benevolent.
"You're being awfully nice to me today!" Benevolent commented "what's up with that?"
"I'm not allowed to be nice?" Macabre asked
"No of course you are! It's just odd for you." the pink operative said
"I'll start being less nice then" Macabre hissed "shit i didn't realize i was being so nice. What if he thinks I'm being nice to get something from him" Macabre pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind. "It's fine, I'll start being mean again tomorrow. I don't want him thinking I like him."

Pink thoughts [ A Benevolent_day x Macabre_day fanfic ]Where stories live. Discover now