Please periodically check this authors note because anything about the story I have to say will be on this note.
Special thanks to @Eleabear for the votes and comments, truly means a lot
I made an error with the order, Prologue - Eliose is supposed to be before Prologue - First Operation.
Update: I changed Prism from an assassin as I don't think it fits her character. Prism is instead an undercover specialist like Pier.
Update: I have decided to write shorter chapters every now and then so I can update more often :)
Update: I finally made the cover for Turncoat. It seems all my descriptions and stuff got erased without me knowing, so I will have to rewrite those :p
AdventureAndrew Pier is a tortured man. Having witnessed the death of the love of his life, he is shattered, sorrowful and without a shred of joy. Shortly after her death, he is appointed as a stealth agent for the English Crown, to perform operations when n...