The Reaping

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"Ouch!" I cried as my mom yanked a hairbrush through my tangled blonde hair. Jay, my little brother, snickered.

"That's what you get." he said, grinning.

"Oh, shut up, twerp." I hissed. He stuck his tongue out in reply. We're only four years apart and yet we're so close to each other.

"Now let me brush yours, hun." Mom told him as soon as she was done pulling out my hair with the brush bristles. He shook his head, a mop of dark brown curls falling over his magnificent green eyes.

I heard the front door open then slam shut.

"Dad!" I cried, running over to my dad and leaping in his arms. "Hey, Indigo!" he said, laughing at my reaction.

And no, it isn't a nickname. It's my real name. Indigo Marie Evans. The reason why they named me that was because of my eyes. People say they're unique. Which, I suppose they are right. They have a blueish tint, but if you look closely, they have a purple-pink hue in them also.

I heard Jay walk down the hall. He emerged in a black suit. "Looking good, Jay-Bird." dad said to him. I erupted in a fit of giggles. Jay rolled his eyes. He hates that nickname. That gives dad a reason to call him that all the time.

"So, are you kids ready for the Reaping?" dad asked. Jay's face fell. The room filled with an awkward silence. "I guess," I whispered. Jay nodded in agreement. Mom walked out of her room, holding a bright white dress in her hands.

"Would you like to wear this, Indigo?" she asked. I smiled and nodded my head 'yes'.

"Well, slip it on now, because it's almost time for the Reaping. President Silver will be the guest of honor." I groaned loudly. I absolutely hate our new President, Adam Silver. He is nothing but a low, dirty, scumbag!

"Honey, you need to put on your dress so you can look nice when we are on camera." Dad told Mom. I stared at him in horror. Does he want us to be reaped?

Dad must've seen my reaction. He held up his hands in mock surrender. "Kidding, kidding!" he said, a chuckle escaping from his lips.

I rolled my eyes at my dad's sense of humor. I walked with my mom in her room and slipped on the dress. I emerged, confidence swirling around me like a fog. I heard dad gasp. He ran over and gave me a tight hug.

"I've always known that you weren't my little girl anymore, but now, I've accepted it. You look beautiful."

I shook my head. "I'll always be your little girl, daddy." I whispered in his ear. He reached in his back pocket and gave me a silver locket. I opened it. It revealed a picture of him, mom, and Jay. I smiled.

"Thank you." I said, pulling away from his embrace. I clasped the chain around my neck, the cool silver metal pressing against my skin. "So, ready to go to the square?"mom asks us, walking out in a floor length red dress. Her blonde curls spilled over her shoulders as she ruffled her hair. Mom's dark brown eyes were filled with confidence. We all nod. "Wait, mom, let me get my belt!" I cried as I ran in my room. I yanked open my closet door and grabbed my lavender metallic belt. I maneuvered it through the loops and slipped on a pair of matching flats. Dad adjusted his tie one more time in the mirror. "Now we shall go to the square!" Dad bellowed. We all laughed and walked out, heading towards the square.

I hope me or Jay don't get reaped.

But if we both do, I'll let him win.

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