chapter 6

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I went back to my class and sat on my chair. "What Geto-senpai, too? Doesn't he have good reputation among the students and teachers?" A random girl from my class said to her friend.

"She was with Gojo-senpai yesterday at library. Now, that I think she's really pretty" girls from my class whispered to eachother.

"I don't think so, she prolly spread her legs or something for them to be with them. She's an outcast, right? She'll probably ruin their reputation" the other girl whispered loud enough so I could hear.

So, this is what they call a way better than my previous highschool? Am I making trouble for them? I should probably stop being with them. And it would be better for them to stay away from an outcast like me. I said to myself clenching my fist in frustration.

The teacher entered the class with a blonde hair boy. "Everyone go back to your seats" the teacher shouted.

Now, that I think I don't have a bench partner. I would rather sit alone than sitting with a annoying guy. I said to myself as I saw there's only three seats left.

Two was empty in the back of the class and one was next to me. "Let's start with the introduction" the teacher said to him. "My name is Kento Nanami" the blonde guy stated. "That's it?" The teacher asked and he nodded in reply.

Ok, he ain't an annoying person. I said to myself looking at him. The teacher take a look of the classroom and then said "you can sit next to that girl with short hairs"

He didn't say anything and sat next to me. Should I say something? I think i should not. I said to myself and pulled out the English notebook and textbook from my bag and started reading past tense formulas.

Soon after the teacher left the other students came and tried befriend him but he refused. The classes end soon and I met Masumi in cantin. Masumi sat next to me and after a couple of minutes the boys came and sat infront of us in cantin.

"I heard there's a exchange student in your class and he's pretty handsome?" Masumi asked me or should I say I felt like she wanted to know if I have interest in him or not.

"I don't know about the handsome part, but yeah a exchange student came in our class and he sit next to me" I said to her chomping on my food as the other two boys looked at me.

"What's his name?" Satoru asked me. I remained silent because I didn't want to cause problems for them. And it would be better if I'm not near them. He gave me a very weird look like he wanted to ask why I ain't replying to him.

"What is his name?" Masumi asked me. "his name is something like nento kanami. Uhh.. I forgot his name" I said and gave her an awkward smile and she looked at me deadpan.

"But yeah, he have blonde hairs, and have expressionless look on his face, it kind of makes him look attractive" I said to her. "Are you talking about the guy behind you?" Geto said to me pointing behind me.

I turned my head and it was him. He was eating alone. I turned back my head again and nodded in respond.

"I'm done eating" I said to them as I stood from my chair. They were totally confused and it was visible on their face.

" Gojo senpai and Geto senpai you... don't have to teach me anymore and it would be better for me and you to stay away from eachother. You too Masumi" I said to them.

Masumi was more shocked than the boys. "B-but why? I don't even have a good reputation so it really doesn't bother me" Masumi said to me as she stood up and grabbed my hand.

I really didn't say anything about reputation though. How did she know? Maybe she just guessed it? I said to myself brushing off that doubts from my mind.

The boys looked at eachother in confusion and stood up quickly "what reputation?" Satoru asked me. "M-my reputation" I said to him and rushed away from there.

Why did I lie? It's not like I care for them, right? I would be all right without them. I was alone from the start so I would be doing fine without them. So many questions were going through my head as I were walking in the corridor to went back to my class.

"Hey! Masumi! Is she doing drugs?" Satoru asked her with a serious look on his face. "Shut up! I m-mean, I'm sorry." Masumi said to him and ran away from there.

"What reputation she was talking about? Wait- she does have a reputation among the school?" Satoru asked him. "How would I know dude" Suguru said to him. "She probably doing drugs" Satoru said to Geto as they both started walking.

"Why do you care? Do you have a crush on her?" Suguru said as he walk beside Satoru. "Ain't no way. I like girls with long hairs and are strong enough to protect themselves" the white hair boy said to Geto and he nodded in respond.

They both were walking in corridor but was confused when they saw the crowd in corridor.

"What's going on there?" Gojo asked him. "If you want to know then go and find out by yourself" Geto replied.

"Not interes-"


Gojo was about to complete his sentence but stopped when he heard a familiar voice and rushed towards the crowd.


I was walking in the corridor still with so many questions inside my head. A person bumped into me even though there was enough space on the other side but I ignored him. "Don't you think you should apologise for bumping into me?" The boy said.

I turned my head at him "don't you think you are being noisy now?" I said to him and he tilted his head a little.

The boy came towards me and grabbed my collar. "I'll only say it once. Leave my collar" I said to him as my one eye twitched. "Say it twice" he stated looking at me.

"Hey, wtf happened?" A random boy in the corridor asked to another. "I don't know it happened so quickly" the another random boy from corridor replied.

The boy who was grabbing my collar a few seconds ago was on the ground with blood coming from his nose. I kicked on his balls and when he let his guard down to guard his balls, I punched on his nose without taking a second.

He fell on the ground like a dying dog.

"LEAVE MY DAMN COLLAR" I shouted at him as I bend down to his height. "Were you able to hear me?" I said to him as I cracked my fingers infront of his face.

He nodded his head in response and ran from there. Everyone started laughing and I came back to my senses. My rage was so high that i didn't even notice that there was people piled up around me. I looked at everyone and find that Satoru and Suguru were there in the crowd.

I think he'll stay away from me now, on? I said to myself and walked away from there.

To be continued~

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