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Warnings: cussing.

not edited, enjoy!

background- this takes place in season 4 and I forgot the hellfire club members names so i'm making some up.

(658 words)

Mike's POV

"Bye babe" My girlfriend Y/n says kissing my cheek and going to get ready for the basketball game tonight. Sadly I can't go with her because I have a campaign.

I watch as she walks down the hall catching up with her friend Chrissy. "Dude she's totally cheating on you!" Garret says next to me, dragging me to the D&D room along with Chris. "Dude shut up she's not like that, she's loyal." I defend.

"It's too good to be true man. Y/n Y/l/n, one of the prettiest girls in this school, and Mike the nerd Wheeler." Chris buts in. "Just doesn't go together" Garret finishes as we enter the room. "You two are both wrong! We are in love and you two are just jealous you can't find someone as gorgeous as her." I finish, pulling my arm out of his grip.

"Hey, whats with the arguing?" Our leader Eddie says stopping us.

"These two are telling me Y/n's out of me league and that shes 'totally' cheating on me." I explain. "I mean you are out of her league, she's fucking hot." He quietly agrees with them. "Dude gross! She's like 4 years younger than you." I say with disgust. "Yeah, yeah whatever let's just start." He says sitting in his 'throne' as he likes to call it.


"Mike come on!" Nancy yelled from the car. "I'm coming!" I yell back while looking through the crown outside to find Y/n. Once I find her I call her over. "Let's go" I say and and grab her hand leading her to Nancy's car.

I open the door for her and hop in beside her. "Hey Nance" Y/n says smiling at my sister. "Hey Y/n... Mike is mom okay with Y/n coming over?" Nancy asked. "I'm sneaking her in the window" I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Just be careful you don't get caught."


"Almost there baby" I grunt lifting Y/n into my window. "Finally" I let out a huff and set her inside. "What do you want to do?" She asks. "Sleep?" I ask hopefully. "Oh thank god, I want to sleep too" She says relieved. "Here let me get you some clothes." I say standing up and going to my closet. I pick out out some of my boxers and one of my bigger shirts.

"Here" "Thanks" She pulls her shirt over her head and I turn around, taking off my pants and shirt leaving me in only boxers. I go into my bathroom to brush my teeth and when I get back I see Y/n laying in my bed with my clothes on. The sight is adorable.

I climb in next to her and shut off my lamp. She immediatly cuddles into me side and kisses my neck. Soon sleep takes over me.



"I love you Y/n"

"I love you too Adam" Y/n says before kissing him.

"Hey stop!" I pull them apart and bring Y/n into my side. She gets out of my grip and walking into his arms.

"Can't you see Mike I love him not you" "I would never love someone like you" "Your a loser!" She says harshly, breaking my heart with every word.

"Stop stop stop stop stop" I repeat closing my eyes.

End of dream


"Mike wake up" Someone shakes me awake. I gasp and sit up, I look over and see it's Y/n. I let out a breath of air. "What happened, you kept saying stop?" She questions rubbing my back soothing me.

"Y-you cheated on me...But it was just a dream." I say letting a tear roll down my cheek. "Oh Mike, I would never cheat on you! I love you." She exclaims seriously. "I love you too" I say. "I'm yours" She says pecking my lips a couple times. "Your mine" I repeat and hug her waist, not letting go at all tonight.


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