Chapter 7

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Reid doubled over, coughing uncontrollably.  The bite of pizza he’d been chewing had gone down the wrong way in his surprise.  Noelle was pounding on his back and saying something but he couldn’t understand her, all he could do was watch Cordy walk away, head held stiffly…and cough.  Finally he grabbed his drink and chugged it down. 

“Oh my gosh, are you okay?”  Noelle was staring at him with huge eyes.

He waved her off.  “I’m fine.”  He was still staring at the door Cordy had left through.  He’d been at Silverton for over a week now looking for ‘Mara’ with no luck.  He’d gone out of his way to talk to every girl he could, even ones that didn’t really fit what he thought he knew about her.  He spoke to blondes, worrying that she might have dyed her hair, girls with short hair, in case she’d cut it, and lower classmen thinking he might have mistaken what grade she was in, but not once had he considered the quiet friend of Noelle’s.  In fact the only reason he hung out with the two of them so much was that Noelle was so persistent.  Cordy was absolutely nothing like the girl at all, far too introverted, and he’d spend so much time with her he hadn’t given her a second thought.  Now as he’d watched her walk away he realized that was the first time he’d actually heard her speak more than a single word…and her voice pulled several memories to the surface: her laughing at a joke, telling him she loved all the colors of the rainbow and her murmuring quietly just before they kissed.

“So, what do you think Reid,” Noelle purred, interrupting his thoughts.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?”  He turned back to the pretty brunette next to him.  She pouted momentarily then repeated herself.

“I was saying we should get together to study tonight.  Cordy’s place is the best.  You’ll love it.  Her housekeeper makes these amazing snacks if we have other people and she has her own enormous TV.”

“Sounds like a blast,” Reid said automatically.  Maybe I can talk to Cordy some more…though with Noelle there we’ll be lucky to get a word in edgewise.

Noelle kept him so long gushing about how much fun they were going to have and how horrible calculus was, that he had to sprint to physics, barely stepping in the room as the tardy bell rang.  He took his seat next to Cordy, who had her eyes glued to the teacher as he expounded on the subject of projectile motion.  Reid spent the entire class trying to get her attention but she refused to acknowledge him.  When the bell rang she raced from the room like something was chasing her.

He didn’t bother trying in English as Mrs. Woods was far too observant to try anything without her calling him on it.  When 6th period was over, Reid followed Cordy.  He had study hall last period and knew the teacher was not strict about tardiness.  Following at a discreet distance, he saw her go into an unfamiliar classroom.

He peeked through the doorway.  The room was filled with sculptures in various states of completion, mobiles hanging from the ceiling and paintings stacked against every conceivable surface.  Cordy was seated near the long row of windows, her back to him.  He watched as she pulled out a large sketchbook from her bag and set it on the easel in front of her.

His heart skipped a beat as she opened it and his own face stared back at him.  The details were amazing.  She was either a crazed stalker or, not only was she the girl he’d been looking for, but she had far better at dream walking than he’d originally thought.  She should not be able to see him that clearly in the dream world.  Debating whether he should confront her now or later, he noticed the teacher heading his direction.  Deciding it would be wiser to wait, he backed out of the room, barely making it out before the teacher shut the door in his face.

Too wound up to just sit in study hall, especially since he didn’t have anything to do, he paced the hallway.  High school was boring in the fact that he’d already learned all of it years ago…however, the social aspect was completely new to him  and he found it a novel experience.  Making up his mind, he headed to the student parking lot, spotting the car Michael had loaned him.  It looked out of place among all the brand new BMW’s and convertibles; a little too old and a lot too beat up.  Oh well.  He cranked the engine and sped onto the street.

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