Chapter 11

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The days following their conversation were awkward at best.  Though nothing had actually happened between them, the fact that he had acknowledged the reality of the dreams left a host of unspoken questions in the air.  Noelle picked up on it the first day, but after numerous attempts to weasel the details out of Cordy, she finally gave up.  Cordy could still see it in Noelle’s eyes though; the unanswered questions lingered there like ghosts.  Take a number, Cordy thought, feeling justifiable in the fact that she should get some answers before her best friend, after all, it was her life, not Noelle’s, that had suddenly been upended.

Cordy spent several evenings doing research on the story Reid had told her.  King Phillip IV had indeed put the Knights Templar on trial in the 1300’s, however there was no mention of anyone named Gabriel.  When she asked Reid about it he’d said, “Of course not, he went to a lot of trouble to keep his name out of any history records.  His best weapon is the fact that no one has any idea of his existence.”  Though Cordy still had unanswered questions, she trusted Reid enough to take his word on it, at least for now.

“No!  Concentrate harder.”  Reid’s harsh tone shattered what concentration she’d had and their surroundings solidified back into the one they’d started at: the playground.  Honestly it was becoming annoying that this was the place she ended up at night after night…and slightly embarrassing.  Her eyes locked onto the empty merry-go-round as it creaked in slow circles.

“Cordy?”  Reid was too close, sending her heart into a full sprint.  His eyes were unfocused, telling her she was still unclear to him.  They still didn’t understand why she could see everyone so well.  He followed the general direction of her gaze and she thought he turned pink before he turned away.  “We need to get back to work.  Michael is getting anxious.  He said if you don’t start significantly improving he would bring you back to headquarters and train you himself,” he said and she felt a thrill of fear at his words.  They’d already discussed this.  There was no way she could leave her dad that way and no matter what story they came up with he’d never allow her to be gone for an extended period of time.  Shaking her head and pushing the memory of their kiss out of her mind, she threw herself into the current exercise: consciously changing locations.  Reid had assured her it was the simplest task a dream walker should be able to do.  She’d started out excited at the idea of actually being able to control these new powers, but now, after nights of strenuous mental work, she was exhausted and beginning to doubt her abilities, positive Reid had somehow made a mistake.

Squeezing her eyes shut as tight as she could, she forced her bruised feeling brain to picture any other place besides the one they were in.  The gentle breeze grew to a brisk wind seemingly in response to her inner struggle.  The creak of the playground equipment threatened to break her concentration again, so she forced her thoughts along another route.  The wind disappeared.

“Perfect!”  Reid burst out.  Cordy’s eyes flashed open.  They were now standing in her studio.  “Hmmm…”  Reid spun in a slow circle, awe written all over his face.  Cordy glanced around, looking for anything out of the ordinary.  Nothing stood out.  Dozens of paintings leaned against the walls in various stages of completion.  Charcoal sketches hung from corkboards.  Her brushes and other supplies lined several bookcases.  She noticed she’d left one of her favorite brushes in a cup of water and mentally cursed.  She’d have to get it out of there as soon as she got up, before the bristles fell out.

“What?”  Cordy asked.

“The details.  For a first attempt it’s perfect.”  He walked toward the painting he’d first been attracted to, the one of the bend in the road, stooping to get a better look.  Cordy shrugged.

“It’s my special place.  I’ve spent countless hours here.”  She ran a hand gently across a row of pastels, lining them up perfectly.  “Besides, I am an artist.  Maybe it’s just my eye for detail.”  She’d said the last part jokingly but Reid stood, wiping his hands on the seat of his pants, zeroing on her movement.

Let Her Sleep (Dream Walker Chronicles #1)Where stories live. Discover now