I Smell a Story...

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A TV-headed Mixel staggers to her feet in the midst of the orange rocky Brawllar Canyon.
"1'm br0k3n..." Newzax mutters to herself, acknowledging her broken screen. She looks around for something to put herself back together with and sees a Barbell-looking Mixel, lifting... smaller barbells. Newzax swiftly pounces over, "W0uld y0u l1ke an int3rvi3w?"

"Uhh- SURE!," Weyte gets interrupted by an enthusiastic Hevvie.
"(Why are you so happy? This is an N-Mixel!)" Weyte thinks to themselves as Newzax sets up a camera.
"(Because I... I want to see the best in others!)," Hevvie responds in a hopeful thought."
"(Yeah but-)"
"G3T PR3PAR3D B3CAUS3 I WANT T0 B3 BL0WN AWAYYYY!!!," Newzax shouts through her staticky crackling voice.
"F1rst qu3sti0n f0r y0u tw0 l0vely char1sm1c lad1es, what is y0ur fav0rite c0l0r?"
"Um... blue?," Weyte says curiously.
"CLEAR!," Hevvie shouts happily
"(Is clear even a color?)" Newzax thinks to herself, "(Eh, no matter.)"
"S000... D0 Y0U HAV3 ANY GLU3?," Newzax asks.

"Why do YOU ask?," Weyte snaps.
"M-my scr33n is br0k3n," she says solemnly.
"Oh it is? I understa- THINK FAST!," she punches Newzax in the face, making the crack grow bigger.
"You have made a BIG mistake buddy," says Newzax in an even more crackly and almost demonic voice.

She walks away



Then quickly turns around and throws a cubit ball at them, "Why don't YOU think fast you conjoined mess?," Newzax says, murping them.
"HEY!," Boxxie says itching to scrap, "Y'better get goin' you pathetic N-Mixel. That is, unless ya wanna scrap."
"This isn't the time dude!," Wollopz says, "We need to MAX!"
They bicker abit and Hevvie-Weyte de-murps, joining the argument in favor of Wollopz. Newzax rolls her eyes and strikes them with an electrified headbutt, "Y0u d0n3 b1cker1ng?," she asks snidely.
Boxxie, "Ok fine! LET'S MAX!"
Out of the blue, two hands appear, playing patty-cake and smooshing the three Mixels together into a max. They take the form of a 3-eyed max with a fist for a head. Charging at Newzax, they swing their head and miss, landing on the ground. Newzax keeps dodging, aware the max won't last forever.

After countless attempts to connect any attacks with Newzax, they de-max and Boxxie is quickly headbutted into a orange rock tower. Newzax grabs some nearby rope from a swingset and wraps it around Boxxie, trapping him.
"N0w 1t's tim3 t0 beg1n my re1gn... NYAHAHA!!," she roars a static-covered cackle of pure mayhem, her mind more broken than it was before. Wollopz and Hevvie-Weyte look on in horror

The End

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