109. "I miss the way you'd laugh at me, no goodbye, no apologies"

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21:79 ─❁────────── 31:80

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I used to watch you fall asleep

I'm laying here, can barely breathe



Lucia gazed down at them with her brows furrowed as Neville, Seamus, and Ginny sat on their knees across from her. She rubbed the bridge of her nose, as if infuriated.

"We're not," said Ginny.

"Well, you should be!" she exclaimed. "This is insane! Does me getting tortured not mean anything to any of you?!"

"I mean... it did..." trailed Seamus

Lucia felt like she had popped a vein at this. "What do you mean it 'did'?" she cocked a brow at them, challengingly. "You know what? Never mind that because I should've had low expectations for the both of you, but Neville?! The hell?!"

"You have to listen to us first!"

"Why should I? You lot are planning to break into Snape's office? Why should I be supportive of this dumb deci —"

"Because Gryffindor's sword is in there!" Neville finally revealed and immediately, Lucia faltered from her blissful anger. She froze in the spot and turned to Neville slowly.

"Come again?"

"Well," he began while sharing nervous gazed with Seamus and Ginny, "We found out through Peeves that the sword of Gryffindor is stuck up in there. He was going on and on about how Snape was keeping it particularly safe for some odd reason, we reckon that it got something to do with... you know..." stated Neville firmly.

"That's why we just have to obtain it, Lucia! You have to understand!" Ginny said, shuffling forward at the older girl with a pleading look. "You have to help us, please!"

"The Sword of Gryffindor doesn't belong to them," said Seamus lowly, "We're just getting back what's rightfully ours. They don't deserve holding onto it, you just got to understand,"

Day by day Lucia began to learn more about things that she was slowly finding it hard to believe, but she guessed that what happens when you live in a world with magic. You just have to expect the unexpected... But that wasn't the predicament here, instead it was the fact that the Sword of Gryffindor was in the grasp of Snape out of all people, staying up in that office of his...

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now