♡ Chapter 9 ♡

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Zaria couldn't remember the last time she got to wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon or just the smell of a nice breakfast wafting through the air, creating a warm atmosphere. She slowly cracked her eyes open and lifted her head, stretching her limbs.

"you're up" Aubreyanne's voice called startling Zaria. She whipped her head in the direction of the voice to find Aubreyanne leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen with a spatula in her hand. She looked ready for the day while Zaria was still processing when, where, and who she was.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep" She murmured getting up as her mind began recalling the previous day's events. Her abrupt movements caused the blanket to fall from her shoulders and hang off the seat she had slept in.

"it's really no problem. I was asking much of you anyway." Aubreyanne said uncrossing her arms. "I just finished off the last one and you did a huge percent of the work, so the least I could do is make breakfast. After taking your time beyond contract" She turned back into the kitchen. "there's a bathroom down the hall if you need it"

"thanks" Zaria mumbled, walking in the direction Aubreyanne had pointed the spatula in. Once she found the bathroom she shut the door behind her and let out an exasperated sigh. Her reflection just showed how pink her face was and how horrible she looked, as if falling asleep wasn't bad enough.

She turned on the sink, watching the water rush and land against the white porcelain sink.  It was as if splashing her face would wash it all away, and she did until there was a knock on the door.  

"If you want to take a shower there is a spare towel under the sink and I'll put out some clothes for you" Aubreyanne's muffle voice called over the rushing water. 

Zaria wasn't sure if she should make herself even more comfortable in Aubreyanne's home than she already had, but the urge to be polite always killed her and she just couldn't decline the invitation. So she took out a spare towel and undressed, neatly setting her clothes aside and entering the shower.

~ ~ ~ ~

Zaria glanced at herself in the mirror of Aubreyanne's guest room. Her hair was still slightly damp from her shower, but the towel wouldn't help anymore. She wore the clothes Aubreyanne had set out for her. It was just a pair of leggings and a shirt that surprisingly fit her well. 

Taking one last look at herself she slowly made her way down the hall and back to the dining room where Aubreyanne sat, busy on her phone. One the table were two plates of toast and eggs, and mugs of what smelled like coffee. 

In an attempt to make her presence known Zaria let out a strained cough and shuffled slightly, but it was enough to get Aubreyanne to glance up from her phone and put it away. 

If Zaria hadn't known better she would have sworn the woman actually smiled and looked her up and down. but she shook away the thoughts and sat down in the same seat she had fallen asleep in.

"It looks, and smells lovely," Zaria smiled as she glanced down at the coffee and food in front of her. Her stomach was just begging for her to consume it all, she had skipped dinner after all. 

Aubreyanne took a sip from her cup. "I hope it tastes nice too" She mumbled. 

They ate over light conversation keeping mostly about work, but Zaria just felt light and happy to simply sit and talk to someone, not over the phone. The question she had asked Aubreyanne still loomed in the back of her mind, but she wasn't sure if she could get so personal again.

Once they had finished their breakfast Zaria had insisted on doing the dishes. Which soon she found out only consisted of loading two plates and mugs in the dishwasher and turning it on. While Aubreyanne, who had only argued against it for entertainment, leaned on the counter and watched in amusement at Zaria's determination to simply be of help. 

"I should get going now. I wouldn't wanna take up any more of your weekend" Zaria said walking towards the front door, but for some reason a small part of her wished to be back in that chair chatting over breakfast with Aubreyanne. 

Aubreyanne bid her goodbye as she left, and seemed to be heading into the livingroom once Zaria was shutting the door behind her. When she turned around she just barely avoided bumping into a man on the porch who was busy typing on his phone. The man looked pretty handsome with his neatly styled brown hair, and the perfect mix of a broad and slender frame, including the pearly smile he offered to her as an apology. 

Zaria promptly walked past him after murmuring a small apology of her own, she headed down the porch steps and to her car. She glanced between her simple silver one and the expensive looking sports car parked beside it with a slight frown. 

She was pulling out of the driveway and stopped on the other side of the street to fix her seatbelt, when the man knocked on the door. She couldn't explain why she stayed, maybe because she was just nosy but she watched Aubreyanne open the door and let out a small ghasp clearly not expecting him to be there, but the smile that followed showed she was not mad or upset that he was. 

"Justin!" She chuckled, and didn't protest as he pulled her into his arms, infact she let her chin rest on his shoulder. "I thought you wouldn't be back for another week" 

Zaria didn't stick around to hear the man's response as she drove off. It was yet another piece of Aubreyanne's life that she hadn't seen.

A boyfriend perhaps. It defenately was possible seeing how nobody knew anything about her personal life. She remembered something she'd seen in one of the articles of the woman. 

"Nothing is really known of Ms. Kaine's dating life." 

She couldn't explain why it popped back in her mind at that moment or why it was any of her business, but when she thought about it she felt a slight tingle in her  gut.

The trip back to her apartment, Zaria found herself thinking about it. Despite how much she tried to shake it out of her head. As soon as she got home she collapsed on her bed, and almost immediately drifted off to sleep. She felt as if she'd been too tired, yet sleeping too much recently but it's not like she could help it.

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