♡ Chapter 25 ♡

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Yep, She's definitely in love

Zaria confirmed as she watched Aubreyanne from a safe distance. There was a small smile on her face. Aurbeyannes's smile reminded her of the sun in winter months, it rarely came out but once it did she wanted to bask in it and savor it for as long as she could before it was gone once more. The darkness of Aubreyanne's eyes shut all her emotions behind them, but the light brown color they turned when she stood against light made was almost entrancing.

Zaria felt her face heat up and averted eye contact. She felt warm inside, like when she was a middle school girl who had a hallway crush and got butterflies from just a glance. Another part of her wished she didn't feel that way at all. To her, it was clear as day Aubrey would never return what she felt and it kind of hurt to think about it. Another major problem was now that her feelings have come to light, how was she going to ignore them any longer?

"You doing alright Regan? You look pretty out of it" Aubreyanne asked. Zaria hadn't noticed her leave her place where she was talking to Andrew across the office. She straightened up and nodded.

"I'm fine," She said looking away. "Actually...I wanted to ask if you, uh- if you're free this Saturday" She asked. "Not like in a date kind of way, but like as friends like we always do. Because we're friends and we can hang out without being on a date" Yep recognizing her feelings was biting her in the ass.

Aubreyanne raised an eyebrow but laughed a little. "Sure, I'm free from about three"

"Perfect" Zaria nodded and quickly walked away. "See you there"

Aubreyanne watched her rush over back to her desk with a frown on her face. Something had happened. Zaria had been acting jumpier and was always in a rush, but coincidentally it was only when she was around. When she watched Zaria chatting with other people she never seemed panicked, her face wasn't red nor did she extremely avoid eye contact.

Aubreyanne could only come to the conclusion it was about her quitting, or maybe she'd decided to distance herself because she was leaving. Aubreyanne frowned in the direction the brunette had fled.

"MIss Kiane" She turned around to the man who called her name. He'd reminded her she had a meeting to attend so she only gave one last glance in Zaria's direction and left.

~ ~ ~ ~

And you think she hates you now?" Case asked, swirling her wine glass

Aubreyanne sighed and rested her elbow on the bar top to support her head as she rested her cheek on her palm. "Yes. We not necessarily hate, but she's avoiding me and our conversations don't even last more than two minutes"

"Have you considered that it's all in your head and you're overthinking because you've been scared of her leaving since she handed in her letter,"

She shook her head, staring down at her glass of wine. "I thought so too, but it's not. For the most part" She'd never doubted herself as much but suddenly it was like she didn't know what to do.

Case hummed taking a sip from her glass. "Have you y'know talked to her about it"

"No. How am I supposed to tell her I think she'd ignoring me and I don't like it, and I also don't want her to move away?" Aubreyanne sighed.

"Just say it exactly like that but directed at her" Case shrugged. "You're complicating things. Just tell her. She's most definitely not going to hate you"

"But what if she does?" Aybreyanne mumbled. "I'll sound so clingy"

Case rolled her eyes. "Yea because it is clingy," She said sarcastically before setting her glass down. "But communication is a couple's biggest enemy, it's why they fall apart. So just talk to her"

"But we're not a couple" Aubreyanne interjected.

"But you want to be" Case raised an eyebrow as she carefully watched Aubreyanne's eyebrows furrow in thought.

"Well yeah," She said slowly her tone laced with uncertainty. Then she fell silent and seemed to think about it more. "Don't you usually want to date someone you're interested in?"

Now Case was silent. She looked at Aubreyanne, set down her glass, and blinked once more to make sure the wine wasn't getting to her head and she was hearing things. "So you are aware of your feelings for her?" She asked slowly.

Aubreyanne gave her an absurd look as if she had grown three heads. "Well yeah," She said taking a sip of her wine for the first time that night. "I have been since I met her I think, but as we grew closer that attraction that I can usually ignore shifted into something else, that I can't ignore anymore"

"Ha. I knew it. I've been team Zaria since day one" Case said triumphantly causing Aubryeanne to roll her eyes. As she calmed down Case glanced back at Aubreyanne. "So why didn't you tell her?"

"I ignore it. Because it's not like she'd ever reciprocate them. And even so, she's technically also my employee. It's against my morals and would cause a huge unnecessary scandal if it gets out," Aubreyanne murmured. "So I tried to push them towards Justin since it would be so much easier if I loved him instead,"

Case nodded. "She's not your employee for much longer. I call that fate and a huge sign" She smirked. "Also if you ask me even if she rejected you, which I highly doubt she will, she seems like the type to not let it affect your friendship"

"Do you think I should?" Aubreyanne asked doubtingly but received a very enthusiastic and encouraging nod from Case. Aubreyanne pinder over it for a moment.
"Maybe I will"

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