♡ Chapter 20 ♡

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"Shoot. I gotta go now" Zaria mumbled as she quickly grabbed the small purple flask filled with coffee.

Zach's laugh sounded through the device pressed to her ear as she rushed out the door. "Don't get killed by your boss" He said before hanging up, allowing Zaria to pocket her phone and rush out to the lobby.

From the concerned look the receptionist gave her when she walked into the office she knew she was late and offered him a small smile before rushing past and towards the elevator, to get to her floor.


Zaria winced and turned around to face Aubreyanne. So close. She thought as she braced herself.

"Why are you late?" Aubreyanne asked sending a glare to those who stopped to observe their interaction.

"Sorry I may have slept in, but I swear it won't happen again" Zaria rushed out before she felt the need to explain more and ended up ranting on and on. She had thought about Tobias and what had happened all night long and fell asleep on the couch, waking up to her phone ringing hours later.

Aubreyanne nodded. "better not," She said walking past Zaria. "be in my office in two minutes"

Zaria nodded and headed to her desk, where Colin sat in his beside it. He looked at her with a questioning glance but once Zaria simply sighed and dropped all her things onto her desk, he knew not to ask and watched her walk away without a word.

"You can go in," Andrew said walking out of Aubreyanne's office just as Zaria approached. She gave him a curt nod and walked in, pushing the familiar wooden door open.

As usual, Aubreyanne was seated at her desk and looked up as Zaria sat down across her. She put her pen down and leaned back in her seat, turning all her attention to Zaria. It was a scene that had played out thousands of times, yet this time was different as they both refused to acknowledge the thick atmosphere.

"Are you...ok?" Aubreyanne asked shifting slightly.

Zaria nodded. "Yea. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you just seem like you're in a foul mood this morning...not only this morning but recently I seem to be happier than you," Aubreyanne said pursing her lips together. "Are you feeling tired or overwhelmed?"

"Well if you're trying to ask if I'm mentally ok. I'm fine, haven't had an attack or anything" Zaria said crossing her arms. "In fact, not even Tobias could get me panicking. Although I'm very confused about everything right now" She said, kind of offended that Aubreyanne wouldn't just ask her directly or at least not imply it in a way that made it sound negative. But even Zaria knew that wasn't Aubreyanne's intention, knowing how naive or inexperienced she was in some sort when it came to such things.

Aubreyanne was quiet for a while as she looked at Zaria. "He showed up again?" She asked, her voice almost sounding angry or some other emotion Zaria couldn't decipher.

"Yesterday" Zaria answered, now that she'd let it slip there was no point in lying unecesarrily. "It's not that big of a deal. Nothing happened he just ask I consider taking him back"

"You should get a restraining order against him" Aubreyanne said firmly as she crossed her arms and leaned back into her seat.

"He's not harming me, Aubreyanne,"

"But what about your mental health? You did almost have an attack after months just because of him" She protested. "You've been down. Maybe it's taking a toll on you and you don't even notice"

"I've been 'down' all week. You just didn't notice because you're so wrapped up in everything about Justin" Zaria said before she could bite her tongue, it was a defense mechanism she'd developed to attack others when she felt attacked, and it definitely wasn't something she was proud to do automatically but everyone has a character flaw right?

"That's not true Regan and you know that," Aubreyanne said narrowing her eyes to glare.

"Look. It doesn't matter. It's your relationship and you do deserve to be happy. Maybe this is why e shouldn't mix friendships a work" Zaria said getting up and heading for the door. "At the end of the day, I'm just an employee like everyone else in this building.

Aubreyanne sat there for a moment processing what Zaria had said. She didn't have it in her to stop Zaria from leaving because her mind was still thinking over everything she'd said.

Had she been ignoring everyone since she got with Justin? In her defense he did insist on spending all the time they could together, she'd even go out to meet him during lunch breaks, and spend every weekend together, but isn't that what relationships were?

~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey, Case. Have I been ignoring you guys since I got with Justin?" Aubreyanne asked.

The blond woman's eyes quickly jumped from her to Jackie who just averted eye contact. "Well..." Case dragged out. "I wouldn't say ignoring, but it's not a bad thing. I of all people get the bliss of being in a relationship and want to be with that person all the time"

"Is it that bad?" Aubreyanne asked. "I didn't realize it at first but everything that happened the past month beside Justin is a blur in my mind"

"Like Case said. it's not a bad thing Aubrey" Jackie chimed in. "Sure you should still make time for others, but don't beat yourself up about enjoying your time with Justin. being with the one you love is a good thing"

The one you love

Does she actually love Justin? Although Aubreyanne found herself smiling and laughing in the man's company and she felt slight content being cuddled in his arms. She wouldn't describe it as love. But then again maybe it was just still too soon.

"My friends say I've been...ignorant towards them since we got together" Aubreyanne blurted out before she could stop herself. The couple was at Justin's house as he'd inisted she stay the night once more. So she sat on his bed as he prepared to take a shower.

Justin turned and glanced over at her. "Why would they say that?"

Aubreyanne shrugged. "I guess they're kind of right. We have been spending every waking minute together. Not that I don't enjoy it, but it's just..."

Justin leaned down and placed a quick kiss on his lips. "I don't think so. Besides, if they're really your friends they should be happy that I make you happy" he said giving her a quick kiss. "Maybe you should re-evaluate the people you have in your life," he said before sliding into the bathroom.

As the water began to pour from the other room Aubreyanne leaned back and glanced at the white selling above her head. Beside her. A phone chimed and she reached over to grab it assuming it was hers, but as she read the messages on the screen it became aparrant it wasn't hers.

Re-evaluate those she let into her life. huh?

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