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Published: July 20th 2022, Wednesday

I've come to realise that my writing sucks. It is so bad because there is literally no description of anything. I think each chapter is too short and just very bad.

I will try to make them better and longer.

I'm very sorry.


Abby's POV:

It has been three days and they have not been able to find him. I have been sleeping in the same bed as Niall with Harry's clothes on. I have been in this house for at least five hours per day alone. Even after hours just spent searching for Harry, they always come back with, "We couldn't find him."

It is usually Liam or Zayn that say that first thing, and it infuriates me so much. Like aren't they the most feared people on the planet. They are amazing at what they do, they can track down a beggar on the street, as much as a hair of a person, but aren't able to find their own leader. Zayn sits in his office for two hours everyday just trying to track him down.

Is they can't do that, no wonder the Russians are leading. At least they know how to hide their location.

With Harry gone, even Niall seems to be a little less... Well... Niall. I get bored, most of the time I'm just sleeping. I've read a lot, but I watch TV or I'm reading or sleeping. Everyone is serious and trying to track down people. Everyone forgets that I am here, but it also makes sense. Apparently half of the English Mafia is here, trying to find their leader.

We've been eating Mac and cheese for dinner for the last three days, and they all don't even eat breakfast, they get up and leave. Not only is it not good for their health, but it also decreases so much focus.

This is the fourth day that they are out, and they came back way earlier than they normally would. "We are giving up," Liam said as he sat down on the sofa next to me, "We've been going out, searching everywhere, we just can't find him."

"You can't just give up! He's your legit leader!" I said, feeling a weight set on my heart. "We can, Louis is next in command, we will just have to wait and see," Liam explained. "Take me with you!" I immediately said, I'm not giving up on him. "No," Louis said sternly. "No, I will go," I insisted. "I'm the one in command while Harry is not here, which means you will follow what I say," he said in the same tone.

I sighed, rushing upstairs. They seriously are just letting him go. Like let him die, who cares? If they don't go, I will. I don't know how, but somehow.

I could steal one of the cars, that is probably the easiest method, but how will I track him down. I mean if even Zayn couldn't do it, how am I supposed to?

I have absolutely nothing to do, all I have are books. There are just three activities for me and it is starting to become sick. I would much rather play soccer, which I have not played it years. Maybe I'm still good, considering I was captain all throughout middle and high school.

Even though I was captain of one of the most celebrated games in my middle school and high school, I still didn't have a lot of friends. Barely two in all those years. I also wasn't popular, not at all. All the other girls in my team were quite popular, but I usually kept to myself.

I went to Harry's room, looking around the shelves and opening random notebooks and books. I opened the drawer on his side of the bed, immediately being met with a bunch of toys. Toys and condoms. I shut it, blinking a couple times to get the image out of my head. I opened the second drawer and saw my phone with a piece of scrunched up paper. I gasped, grabbing my phone. I tried opening it, but it was switched off, and while I held the button to turn it on, I opened the wrinkled paper.

"So, since you're always so fucking bored, I'm giving you you're phone back.

List of things:

- tracking is off
- camera is off
- all social media accounts have been removed
- spotify tracking is removed
- i can see what you're doing on your phone through mine
- google searches are encrypted
- you cannot possibly add any other contact, all the boys and i have already been added

For final

Since you're always so fucking bored

never mind."

The phone opened and I was met with my lock screen. I sighed, finally having a little more freedom. I looked through my phone, and all my apps were there, but not all of them were working.

It wasn't like I cared. Instagram and Twitter worked, just my account was blocked. Pinterest and Spotify, everything worked fine. Now I wouldn't be so bored. I grabbed the paper and headed downstairs.

"So...," I said while waving my phone to all the boys. "We know," Niall said as he scooped some ice cream into a bowl, "We were just waiting to see when he gives it to you."

When do they all talk? I never see them sit in a little circle and gossip.

I sat down on the sofa, looking through my contacts. They were all there, but they were faded. I saw Harry's name in the list. "Did you try to call him?" I asked looking inside his contact. "Yeah, no one picks up," Zayn said while looking through his phone.

I clicked on the call button and put it to my ear. Three rings in, and someone picked up.

Someone picked up.

"Harry!" I nearly yelled, folding my legs into a cross cross. "No Harry," someone with a thick Russian accent spoke. "What do you mean no Harry?" I spoke slowly. Everyone was now looking at me tensely. "Your Harry is laying unconscious in front of me," he said slowly. "Who- who are you? Where are you?" I asked in a much more paced tone. At this point, all the boys were surrounding me and Zayn was plugging a wire into my phone. "I'm coming for you Abigail," he spoke and hung up.


Sorry for such a late update :(


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