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Edited: May 25th 2022, Wednesday

I'm sorry for not posting last Friday. There was some family shit plus I got the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. It hurts but like yay, congrats to me.

Wish me tho. Seriously :)

I'm not pressuring you, what do you mean -_-


Abby's POV:

He waved Liam and Niall away, as if he was a king. Like who gave him that permission? Liam and Niall had to follow? What makes him think that? "Eat it, or fucking starve, I will not give a fuck," he said. "I'll starve," I said getting up, "Thank you."

I start walked towards the staircase when he grabs my waist, and I wriggle out of his grip. "Eat it, Abby," he gritted through his teeth. "No," I copied, gritting it back. Zayn came out of a room as Harry started walking forward towards me. I moved back to keep the distance before my back hit the wall, instantly giving flashbacks of what happened with Louis.

"Oh yeah?" he said bending his head down, "You won't eat it? I don't love it either, did I do all this drama? No." "Well, I'm not Harry. I'm Abigail. The drama queen, ok? If you can't handle that, let me go," I somehow said putting all my strength into fighting him. He let me go. "You're free to go anywhere, basement, third floor, attic, whatever. But it won't be nice if I see you leaving this house," he said and stormed upstairs.

He probably went into the bedroom; the best place right now is the library. Why would the library be in the Harry's section? Wouldn't the other boys like a read as well? Zayn was still standing there staring at me, and I ran up the stairs. "What other books would I li-" I thought out loud, cutting myself off when I saw Harry in the room. I stared at him and pretended I didn't see him. I took my book from the empty shelf and started to head out, "Don't take the book outside." I rolled my eyes and went to the sofa, where he wasn't sitting. I opened the book and started reading. "Gary is practically sex on a stick and Ivy is this innocent girl, no sex no fun," Harry interrupts, spoiler alert... "It's all about him getting out of the friend zone."

"Must mean he is attractive as hell, unlike you," I replied right away, "And I'd like to read, plus, genius, the book is called The Friend Zone."


I went downstairs to find all the boys eating. Nobody asked me? I went over to the counters to see it all shiny and clean and empty. No food either. "I said you'd starve. Go to sleep," Harry said. I felt the tears, he was right, I am weak. I don't want to cry, but something in me triggers it all the time. The tears are not needed whatsoever. I ran up the stairs as I heard them all whispering. I also heard Harry shouting.

I went into the room, but didn't feel like sleeping yet, so out of the blue, I decided to read because I don't have any other thing to do. Thanks to Harry.

After a while, I was closed to finishing the book, and Harry was right, Gary is sex on a stick. I don't like sex on a stick type guys, I despise them, just, like, Harry. They are way too attractive for their own good, and it might just be what they think. The girl might thing he ugly as hell, but he gonna force her into liking him. Ew.

I went into the room to find Harry in his usual sleeping clothes, a black trouser, but also, he was in the middle of the bed. I am not sleeping next to you. I went to the corner of the room and faced the wall, trying to sleep.


I don't know what time it was, but it had definitely been at least 3 hours. I had pretended to sleep the entire time. That's when I heard Harry get up, sighing, and my body went stiff. I felt his hands on my back near my neck and on the back of my knees. I was slowly lift off the ground when I was put back down. "Sleep on the fucking ground, whore, I don't give a fuck," he said sleepily and went back on his bed.

Me, a whore? He's the manwhore! He's the one that probably fucks all the girls, not me! I'm a still a virgin, oh yeah of course, being a virgin makes me the whore.

I heard him get back on the bed, right before being scared to near death, "I know you're awake." I pretended as if I was still sleeping as he spoke again, "I noticed your breathing pattern, it's rapid, not slow like a person that's asleep." I shuddered unknowingly, as I felt his fingers rustling through his hair. This is the second time he has caught me fake sleeping. He knows people's breathing patterns, or just breathing patterns in general. Freak.

I am actually going to go to sleep. I need it, desperately.


I woke up facing the window as I slowly sat up. I saw Harry half naked with shorts on, tying his hair up in a manbun.

"Where you going?" I asked, my American side at its finest. He didn't reply. I tried asking again, "Where are you-," I was interrupted by sirens.

Yes, yes the police found me.

Harry wasn't quite done tying his hair yet, as soon as he heard the sirens he looked through the window to see the blue and red lights flashing. He immediately grabbed his gun from the night stand, and pointed it at me.

"Did you call anyone through my phone?" he growled looking around constantly. "No, why would I do that? I wasn't even up!" I exclaimed.

He sighed, putting the gun to his side and pushing himself against the side of the door. "Get beside me," he ordered. "What?" I asked getting up. "Next to me, genius," he said giving me a glare.

I followed quickly, getting to his left. The door slowly opened, and for some odd reason, I was scared. It was probably the police, but I was so scared. I grabbed Harry's shoulder and bicep, hugging it.

Great move. He looked at me, then back.

Great damn move.

What if it's not the police? What if the Russians found me? What if they take me?

What if Harry was right?

What if they will kill me?


I literally cannot call this a huge chapter, but mind you, I tried to make it longer than usual. I tried, alright.

I have like just, seven assignments due. Like I literally just escaped five overdue things within a couple hours.


Abducted // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now